Join ABC


Area weather                                         Request-a-Ride

Upcoming events

    • 12/03/2024
    • 04/03/2025
    • 36 sessions
    • Generals Hwy Corridor Park

    10:00 AM start at Generals Highway Corridor Park, on Crownsville Road, right across from the Renaissance Festival.   Please be ready to ride 5 minutes before the start time.

    There will typically be three different paces (ranging between 13-18+ mph), depending on who shows up. There are different routes ranging between 22 and 34 miles.

    There is an e-mail list for members that is used for these rides, maintained by Jim Miner  jnlminer1@gmail.comTypically, a ride announcement is sent out the night before, allowing riders to respond positively that they are coming.  In good weather, this isn’t critical but when the weather is iffy, this allows last minute changes.  Let Jim know you would like to be added to the list or in good weather, just show up.

    The following are the primary routes used for these rides:

    Faster group, 29 miles:

    Medium group, 25 miles:

    Slower group, 22 miles:

    Alternate routes: 

    Faster group, 34 miles:

    Medium group, 25.5 miles: 

    Also, download and use the ABC smartphone app. Instructions are on the News link on the home page.

    "Join the Ride"

    • 03/08/2025
    • 04/05/2025
    • 5 sessions

    Please request rides!   Any member can do it!   Variety is good!

    They can be well-known rides or new ideas. You don't have to be the leader. Just give us your suggestions, and in advance.

    If you would like an ABC ride on any date, send a ride request in via our Request-a-Ride link that is on the Full Calendar and on the main home page under Rides. Just fill in the required info and click submit. We will receive your request and post it if it is safe and free of other event conflicts, or will get back to you with questions or recommendations. 

    Give us plenty of advance notice!

    Provide the following with your ride request:

    • Your information
    • Name for the ride
    • Date and start time (submit the request a few days in advance)
    • Distance and speed
    • Starting location, and address if it’s not well known. Parks and schools work well.
    • A route from our club Ride with GPS library ideally. Or you can create one. If you need help creating one, contact Jenn Meyers, JCT, Chris Higgins, or RJ Marquette, but please try it first. Its free and not too hard.
    • General description of the ride, its intent and purpose, and anything else people would like to know about it.
    • You can be a designated ride leader if you have experience with this role and would like to do it but the ride can still be posted as a meet-up event.

    Please let us know if you would like to be a ride leader or a ride coordinator and we'll train you for the position. We are especially looking for a member to promote 13-14 mph events.

    Thank you Leon Bloom for creating the Request-a-Ride on line tool!

    Contact the ride coordinators if you have questions or ride ideas.


    John Tyrrell


    • 03/15/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Davidsonville Park

    No-drop 14-15 mph to Galesville from Davidsonville Park (not the park 'n' ride) with a rest stop ~mile 17 in Galesville. 


    Ride Leader and POC: Jim Black 

    posted by JB 3/13/25

    • 03/15/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:50 PM
    • Thomas Viaduct Middle School, 7000 Banbury Dr, Hanover, MD 21076

    Another early season hill work out. We have use this route multiple times.

    John Tyrrell is the ride leader. 

    All speeds are welcome. There are multiple loops and you can shorten it up if necessary. Will gather at the top of each climb.

    This is the route

    Please load the route into your computer and become familiar with it prior to leaving home. Please stay together to avoid confusion. Riders who take a different route are on their own.

    Lunch afterwards TBD. Will bring beverages to share.

    OTHER RIDE INTERESTS - please submit your request using the Request-a-Ride intake form so we can post it.

    "join the Ride"

    Created & posted by JCT 3/4/25

    • 03/16/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • 19 Frederick Rd, Thurmont, MD 21788

    Bring your legs! Earn a Tour of MD County and three ABC Mountain Climber Climbs! Ride will only run in good weather, due to need for dry roads to be safe on the downhills. 

    In the northern reaches of the blue ridge mountains, Catoctin and South Mountains merge into a hilly mess. This ride is 43.5 miles long, with an elevation gain of 4,145 feet. This ride sells off three climbs in ABC's Mountain Climber Challenge, as well as Washington County in ABC's Tour of MD!

    Chris Higgins is the ride leader...and will probably average 14-15 mph. 

    This ride starts at the Thurmont Community Park and makes 3 ascents on South Mountain, although most of the elevation on the first ascent is climbing Catoctin. 

    Ascent 1: Germantown Bethel Cemetery: Category 2 6.5 miles 3.5% average grade for 1,162 feet. Sound easy? Sure, except the max grade of 12% on a gravel section near the top. If your legs are dead tired from this ascent...bury them at the top. 

    Enjoy the fruits of your labor with a well earned downhill into Pennsylvania to prepare for:

    Ascent 2: High Rock: MD's highest point on a public road on the South Mountain. PJAMM's 12th rated hardest climb in MD. It is a Category 2 3.5 miles 1,100' at a 6% average. The steepest portion is the Maryland portion. Bring your hang glider for the launch pad at the top!

    We will speed down high rock, hit Pennsylvania again then ride to Cavetown for a pitstop, prior to:

    Ascent 3: Raven Rock, an easy Category 3 3.5 miles 832 feet average 4.4% takes us back up to the top of South Mountain and gets us ready for a speedy descent of Catoctin back into Thurmont. 

    Route is here. 

    Join the Ride!

    • 03/18/2025
    • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
    • Davidsonville Park, 3042 Patuxent River Rd, Davidsonville, MD 21035

    South Anne Arundel County (SoCo) Evening

    Join us for the evening south county ride on Tuesdays in the spring, summer, and fall. 

    For the March 11 & 18 editions, we'll do the shorter route (21 miles).  After that, we should have enough daylight to do the longer route.

    Starting point:  Davidsonville Park on Patuxent River Road.  We meet across from the pavilion in the park:  Go straight in and park in the lot across from the pavilion.  There are a few shaded spots if you turn right just after the ball fields, but we've been warned it's a foul ball landing zone.

    Departure time:  5:30 PM

    Route:  21 miles Patuxent River Rd → Harwood Rd → Right on Rt 2 → Right on Polling House → Right on Bayard → Right on Sands → Left on Patuxent River Rd back to park.

    We'll regroup at the gas station at the intersection of Harwood Road and Route 2.

    Ride leader: Faster ride, 17-19 mph: RJ Marquette. Register to let the ride leader know you plan to attend and receive weather updates & cancellations.

    Slower pace/shorter ride:  We are still looking for a ride leader for people who are looking for a slower or shorter ride!  Please email if you'd like to help!

    Inclement weather: We'll do our best to make a go/no-go decision around 4:15 p.m., based on the rain and thunderstorm outlook during the riding hours.  If the situation deteriorates after that, we may still need to cancel.  If the official ride is canceled, RJ will usually ride on Zwift instead; contact him if you're interested in that option.

    Route changes: To avoid confusion, we will only adjust the route due to serious issues, such as road closures, inclement weather, mechanical issues, and similar emergency issues.

    Posted by RJM

    • 03/19/2025
    • 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Eastham Park, Luray Ave, Front Royal, VA 22630

    3rd Edition of the Skyline Climber!

    Grab your climbing gear! The Skyline Climber starts in Front Royal at the northern terminus of Skyline Drive and climbs up about 3000 feet to Hogback Peak with multiple vistas along the way for catching your breath and putting out the fire in your legs. 

    It starts at Eastham Park on the Shenandoah River and soon enters the Shenandoah National Park. From the park entrance you undertake the 34th most difficult climb in Virginia, according to PJAMM Cycling. A 20.4 mile long section with an average gradient of 2.6%, a total elevation gain of 3,852' and a FIETS score of 2.2. PJAMM gives this climb a difficulty rating of 2 out of 5 mountains (moderate).

    The climb is actually 4 climbs, separated by some downhills (that make the total elevation gain on the day 5,200').

    Climb 1 is Dickey Hill. Goes form the Shenandoah Nat'l Park Entrance to near the top of Dickey Hill. A hill sounds like a nice way to start, but this is no ordinary hill. It is the toughest climb of the day; rated as a Category 1 climb, it is 6.1 miles / 5% average / 10.6% max grade for 1633 feet of elevation gain.

    Climb 2 is Here's Johnny! After the hill, a mountain sounds tough but Carson Mountain is a late night joke of a mountain. A simple Category 3, 2.4 miles at 4.7% for 651' of gain, and the max grade of the day at 12%.

    Climb 3 is the Rapper's Delight. Straight Outta Compton Gap to the North and South Marshall Mountains (will the real Marshall Mountain please stand up?). Rated as a Category 3 for its 740' feet of climbing at 4% for 3.5 miles.

    Climb 4 is the Pig Pen. Little Hogback and Hogback peaks for 2.9 miles at 4.8% and 810' rate this as a Cat 3 as well.

    Then we turn around for the quick return to Eastham Park, but before we hit Eastham.

    Climb 5 is I thought we were on the way down!. Back up to the Gap between the Marshall Mountains, a Cat 4 climb 2.2 miles @ 4.2% and 510' of elevation.

    Climb 6 is the Speedbump. After speeding 1400' down the mountains for 8 miles we've got Dickey Hill to help slow us down and warm us back up. 1.7 miles at 4.3% / 440' make this last one another Cat 4. 

    Rest Stops: There are a number of lookouts along the way to stop and rest, however there are no shops or you will need to bring it with you. (There is a visitor center a couple miles in with a restroom and water...) 

    This route is mostly in Shenandoah National Park. This ride is scheduled for Wednesday for reduced traffic on Skyline Drive. Entrance fee per bicycle is $15.00.

    RideWithGPS Route is here. 

    This ride takes a little bit of logistics (carpooling) so register early to let the Ride Leader know you plan to attend. Ride Leader is Chris Higgins. Date of the event may be adjusted as weather forecasts roll-in. 

    Join the Ride!

    • 03/20/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • S.E.R.C, Bldg 200, Reed Bldg, Contees Wharf Road, Edgewater, MD

    "Performance Velo (PV)" rides from different locations using various routes in the 29-32 mile range. These are group-ride style training rides with occasional pace-lines, sprints, climbs, descents, and minimal stops. Pace B/B+ 17-20 MPH range. All cyclists are welcome, especially those training for races, Gran Fondos, or are looking to increase their speed and endurance in a team-like setting. Do not sprint off the front unless in a free-ride segment.

    Ride time will vary during the season and they may be rescheduled for weather. Look ahead and register for the velo rides you are interested in.

    This week's RidewithGPS route will be posted a few days before the event.

    Non-members may ride one time after submitting a signed waiver.

    • D'ville Park and Ride Commuter Lot
    • Homestead Gardens
    • Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC)
    • Corridor Park
    • Davidsonville Park
    • Others...

    RWGPS route:  SERC Route #2

    POCs: Jenn Meyers

    Register on-line and to receive updates.

    "Join the Velo Rides"

    • 03/20/2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Sammy's Italian Pizza Kitchen 1007 Bay Ridge Ave. Annap 21403 (Eastport Shopping Ctr). 410-990-9800

    Join us for fresh, delicious Italian food in a casual setting.  Sammy's has a huge menu with many pizza options, appetizers, pasta dishes, soups, signature salads, full dinners, calzones, subs.....

    This is a new venue for our club and they are excited to host us!

    • 03/25/2025
    • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
    • Davidsonville Park, 3042 Patuxent River Rd, Davidsonville, MD 21035

    South Anne Arundel County (SoCo) Evening

    Join us for the evening south county ride on Tuesdays in the spring, summer, and fall.

    Starting point:  Davidsonville Park on Patuxent River Road.  We meet across from the pavilion in the park:  Go straight in and park in the lot across from the pavilion.  There are a few shaded spots if you turn right just after the ball fields, but we've been warned it's a foul ball landing zone.

    Departure time:  5:30 PM

    Route: 26 miles Patuxent River Rd → Harwood Rd → Right on Rt 2 → Right on Bayard  Right on South Polling House  Left on Polling House → Right on Bayard → Right on Sands → Left on Patuxent River Rd back to park.

    There are options for shorter routes or slower rides - please let RJ know if you're interested in one of these.

    We'll regroup at the gas station at the intersection of Harwood Road and Route 2.

    Ride leader: Faster ride, 17-19 mph: RJ Marquette. Register to let the ride leader know you plan to attend and receive weather updates & cancellations.

    Slower pace/shorter ride:  We are still looking for a ride leader for people who are looking for a slower or shorter ride!  Please email if you'd like to help!

    Inclement weather: We'll do our best to make a go/no-go decision around 4:15 p.m., based on the rain and thunderstorm outlook during the riding hours.  If the situation deteriorates after that, we may still need to cancel.  If the official ride is canceled, RJ will usually ride on Zwift instead; contact him if you're interested in that option.

    Route changes: To avoid confusion, we will only adjust the route due to serious issues, such as road closures, inclement weather, mechanical issues, and similar emergency issues.

    Posted by RJM

    • 03/27/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • 743 W. Central Ave, Davidsonville, MD. Homestead Gardens

    "Performance Velo (PV)" rides from different locations using various routes in the 29-32 mile range. These are group-ride style training rides with occasional pace-lines, sprints, climbs, descents, and minimal stops. Pace B/B+ 17-20 MPH range. All cyclists are welcome, especially those training for races, Gran Fondos, or are looking to increase their speed and endurance in a team-like setting. Please do not sprint off the front unless in a free-ride segment.

    Ride time will vary during the season and they may be rescheduled for weather. Look ahead and register for the velo rides you are interested in.

    This week's RidewithGPS route will be posted a few days before the event.

    Non-members may ride one time after signing a release.

    Week to week starting locations:

    • D'ville Park and Ride Commuter Lot
    • Homestead Gardens
    • Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC)
    • Corridor Park
    • Others...

    RWGPS route:  HERE

    POCs: JCT and Jenn Meyers

    Register on-line and to receive updates.

    "Join the Velo Rides"

    • 03/30/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Intersection of 15th Street NE and North Carolina Ave, NE in Washington, DC

    Event date is tentative, depending upon the date of the Cherry Blossoms' peak bloom - visit Bloom Watch for updates

    Ride leader: Joe Hawkins

    This has been a popular annual event. Bring your camera and be prepared for frequent stops and sight-seeing.

    This will be a leisurely slow ride of about 20 miles to Hains Point, West Potomac Park, and the riverside in Northern Virginia, returning by way of the Lincoln Monument and the National Mall. We will have to walk through crowds in some areas.

    RidewithGPS route map: 

    Bring a snack - there will be food for purchase at Eastern Market on the way back. There are Public Bathrooms on Hains Point! 

    Meet up at Intersection of 15th Street NE and North Carolina Ave, NE, Washington, DC. Map of the start location here. For GPS and mapping, the start location is a triangle park next to 201 15th St NE, Washington, DC 20002. 

    Parking: There is no time limit for on-street parking in this part of DC on the weekends, but do not park in spaces reserved for handicapped residents! $500 ticket plus towing fee! Best parking is on the neighborhood streets.

    Please wear your ABC jersey if you have one.

    Guests may come but need to bring a signed waiver from the website.

    Posted by JimB 

    • 04/03/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • Davidsonville Park, 3042 Patuxent River Rd, Davidsonville, MD 21035

    "Performance Velo (PV)" rides from different locations using various routes in the 29-38 mile range. These are group ride style training rides with occasional pace-lines, sprints, climbs, descents, and minimal stops. Pace B/B+ 17-20 MPH range. All cyclists are welcome, especially those training for races, Gran Fondos, or are looking to increase their speed and endurance in a team-like setting. Please do not sprint off the front unless in a free-ride segment.

    Ride time will vary during the season and they may be rescheduled for weather. Look ahead and register for the velo rides you are interested in.

    This week's RidewithGPS route will be posted a few days before the event.

    Non-members may ride one time after approval of the Club president and signing a release.

    Week to week starting locations:

    • D'ville Park and Ride Commuter Lot 
    • Homestead Gardens
    • S.E.R.C
    • Corridor Park
    • Davidsonville Park
    • Others...

    RWPGS route:

    POCs: Jenn Meyers

    Register on-line and to receive updates.

    "Join the Velo Rides"

    • 04/14/2025

    This is an annual requirement to maintain our insurance coverage and club organization membership and directory listing.

    Renew NLT 5/1/25.

    Use this website:

    Our club is 2046592.

    Action lead is our Treasurer.

    Posted by JCT 11/30/24

    • 04/25/2025

    Reminder to renew the business website with Wild Apricot. This is the foundation of our business operation.

    Process - This is automatically billed to our club bank debit card on this date.

    Action owner is our club Treasurer.

    Posted by JCT 11/30/24

    • 04/26/2025
    • 6:55 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Chesapeake Church, 6201 Solomons Island Rd, Huntingtown, MD 20639

    This announcement is for the cycling community. This is not an ABC event. ABC does not specifically endorse non-ABC events.

    Meet at 6:55 a.m. at the start/finish banner for an ABC group picture! Please wear your ABC jersey, if you have one.

    See the details and routes

    Posted by JCT 10/10/24

    • 04/26/2025
    • 7:30 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Ocean City Harbor, Ocean City, MD US 21842

    This announcement is for the cycling community. This is not an ABC event. ABC does not specifically endorse non-ABC events.



    Event information is incomplete as of February 2025 - check the website for updates. 

    Annual Maryland Coast Bicycle Festival from Ocean City

    There were 700 riders at the inaugural event in 2021 and 10% were ABC!

    Register on the ABC site to let other members know you plan to attend. Please wear an ABC jersey and bring extra beverages for afterwards at the ABC party tent in the ride village

    Register for the ride per the instructions on the ride's website and that you are an ABC member who is riding.

    posted by jct 10/10/24

    • 05/03/2025
    • 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Bethany Beach, DE

    This notice is for the cycling community. This is not an ABC event. ABC does not specifically endorse non-ABC events.

    GO HERE to register -> Ocean to Bay Bike Tour


    When you register, include Annapolis Bicycle Club and John Tyrrell as team captain for a discount price.

    ABC will meet at the new start area  for a 7:30am picture for metric route and 7am at the other location for the century route. Please wear your ABC jersey!

    We'll BYO tailgate afterward at the starting area or nearby if that doesn't work. Bring your lunch, beverages, chair, and sweatshirt.

    • 05/03/2025
    • 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • 0 Somerset Avenue Gerry Boyle Park at Great Marsh, Cambridge, MD 21613

    This announcement is for the ABC community. This is not an ABC event. ABC does not specifically endorse non-ABC events.

    This is an Other Supported Ride that many ABC members typically participate in. Please sign up to ride in 6 Pillars using this link:

    Please register on the ABC site just to let other ABC members know you are planning to participate.

    This ride accomplishes Dorchester County for the ABC Tour of Maryland! 

    Meet your distance group at the packet pickup area that was stated in their emails 20 minutes before your start time so you can leave together.

    Please wear your ABC jersey!

    Click here that you are riding as well.

    Posted by JCT 10/10/24

    • 05/10/2025
    • 6:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Talbot County Community Center, Easton, MD

    Good for our Club Tour of MD Challenge for Talbot County

    This is posted to show who is attending. This is not an ABC event.

    Please wear your ABC jersey if you are going.


    posted by JCT 10/10/24

    • 05/21/2025
    • 7:00 PM
    • Germantown E.S - 200 Windell Ave, Annapolis, MD

    Please join Bike AAA for the annual Ride of Silence, part of a global event in memory of killed and injured cyclists and a message of safety to drivers.    Meetup at 6:45pm at Germantown E.S. Annapolis, a brief ceremony at 7pm and then an easy-paced, out & back, 6 mile ride through Annapolis.  Escorted by the Annapolis Police Department Bicycle Patrol. 

    ********THIS IS NOT AN ABC SPONSORED RIDE*********


    Posted by JCT 10/10/24

    • 05/31/2025
    • 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM
    • Washington, DC

    This is not an ABC event

    This information is only for ABC members.

    Free parking: NEW in 2025

    Event maps

    New route in 2025

    The 2024 Armed Forces Cycling Classic Challenge Ride, brought to you by The Boeing Company, is an amateur ride, open to cyclists of all abilities. The ride will take place on Saturday, June 4th on a course closed to traffic, starting and finishing in Crystal City, traveling past the Pentagon, up to Rosslyn, and back. The official start is at 7:00 am and all riders must be off the course by 10:00 am. Riders can participate as a General Registrant or as a member of a Corporate Challenge Team. Also, consider fundraising for TAPS, our official beneficiary! 100% of the proceeds raised from TEAM TAPS will benefit this wonderful organization!

    Event Information Center - TBD


    All finishers receive a medal! Riders that complete X or more laps receive Gold, riders that complete Y to Z laps will receive Silver, and riders that complete W or fewer will receive Bronze.

    Posted by JCT 10/10/24 updated 2/10/25

    • 06/07/2025
    • 6:30 AM - 4:00 PM
    • Walkersville Fire Hall 79 W. Frederick Street, Walkersville, MD

    ABC riders have enjoyed this well run 'Other Supported Ride' (OSR) in recent years. It includes some of the prettiest & safest rolling rural roads in the state (full century includes PA), and includes great food at an on-site after-party. Note packet pick up is required in advance, on Th or Fri - see details below, from their site.

    Registration and full details, including routes once available, are found on the TdF site:

    Click 'add me to list' on our ABC site to indicate only that you're an ABC member who will be riding this event. Registration for the TdF itself is via their site.

    posted by jct 10/10/24


    • 06/14/2025
    • Easton Fire Hall, 315 Aurora Park Drive, Easton, MD 2160

    The 2025 Tour de Talbot will Take Place on June 14

    Registration is now open for $75

    Included are lunch, 2 drafts, SAG support, a musette bag, and custom ride socks!

    Location: Easton Fire Hall, 315 Aurora Park Drive, Easton, MD 21601 (now known as 315 Leonard Rieck Drive)

    Ride the scenic roads of Talbot County Maryland! You’ll have a choice of three distances, 31.5, 40 or 61.5 miles which wind through the flat farmland and take you to water views, wooden bridges and friendly faces throughout the Eastern Shore. Day-of registration is available if space allows.

    The routes have changed to accommodate the Rest Stop at the Trappe Firehall and allow all riders to cross over at the Oxford Ferry.

    Windy Hill Landing is not a rest stop this year, but you may take an optional “jog” to the ferry landing for a photo opp.

    • 06/14/2025
    • 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Patuxent River Park

    Enjoy scenic, rural cycling at the Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club's annual ride to showcase Prince George’s County’s Patuxent River Rural Legacy Area, where farms, wetlands, and woods are being protected from development with Maryland’s Rural Legacy Program.

    Starting Location 
    The Picnic Pavilion and Group Camp Area of the Patuxent River Park. 

    Routes of 37, 46, 55 and 65 miles

    Register and info here

    posted by jct 10/10/24

    • 06/29/2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 638 Fairhaven Rd Tracys Landing, MD 20779

    Save The Date!

    Saturday June 28, 2025  

    Fairhaven Loop Ride and BBQ at Jenn and Andy's

                                                    Details to follow....

    • 07/20/2025
    • 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Pleasant Valley Community Fire Company, 2030 South Pleasant Valley Road, Westminster, MD 21158

    35 miles, 40 miles, 50 miles, 62 miles, and a full century of 103 miles

    This is not an ABC ride. But, please wear your ABC jersey.

    Posted by JCT on 10/10/24

    • 08/17/2025
    • 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • Lancaster, PA

    The Covered Bridge Classic is a premier Pennsylvania ride now in its 45th year.  It offers beautiful routes of 100 mile, 65 mile, 50 mile, and 35 mile routes, (actual mileage may vary), in Lancaster County.  Each route traverses through covered bridges and passes Amish farms.  All routes cover rolling terrain with moderate climbing.

    Posted by jct 10/10/24

    • 08/24/2025
    • Deale Beach Community Center 938 Main St. Deale, MD
    Save the date for the 2025 ABC picnic!

    Details to follow
    • 09/06/2025
    • 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Frederick

    This not an ABC event. Google for details and registration.

    You can show here that you are riding it.

    Posted by JCT 10/10/24

    • 09/06/2025
    • 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Dover, DE

    Link to the event

    posted by JCT 10/10/24

    • 09/14/2025
    • Frederick, MD

    This is an other supported ride, not sponsored by ABC. Register via their site at the link here. Click 'add me to list' only if you're an ABC member planning to ride.

    Posted by jct 10/10/24 date updated by JM 2/19/25

    • 09/21/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Chesapeake College, 1000 College Circle Drive Wye Mills, MD, 21679

    Our 21th year and still going strong. Ride the beautiful back roads of Talbot and Queen Anne’s Counties in support of ShoreRivers’ work for clean waterways. This is a great way to bring summer to a close while also supporting a great cause.  Distances of 62, 35 and 20 miles.  Lunch provided after the ride.

    posted by jct 10/10/24

    • 09/24/2025
    • 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Oakland, MD

    Standby for details.

    • 09/25/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Oakland, MD

    Standby for details.

    • 09/26/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Oakland, MD

    Standby for details.

    • 09/27/2025
    • 6:30 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD

    Sea Gull Century - CHECK THE DATE IN 25

    Register you participation with the event organizers at:

    This is background for ABC members. This is not a Club event. Feel free to click if you are going to register with Sea Gull Century and ride the event so we have an idea which of our members will be there.

    Sea Gull Century is a nationally acclaimed bicycling event, beginning and ending on the campus of Salisbury University.

    Salisbury University’s Sea Gull Century bike tour is set for Saturday, September ??, 2025.

    Registration is open from June 10th through September 23rd.

    Cyclists will depart campus for two optional routes, 63 miles or 100 miles, across the Lower Eastern Shore.

    posted by JCT 10/10/24

    • 09/27/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

    Standby for details.

    • 09/28/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Stevensville Subway. Kent Island

    Standby for details.

    • 10/01/2025

    Renew our annual donation to BikeAAA via their website. Action is with our Treasurer.

    Posted by JCT 11/30/24

    • 10/05/2025
    • 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Throughout Anne Arundel County

    The 11th annual Lifeline 100 annual ride will take place on Sunday, 10/5/25


    Our ABC Volunteer Coordinator is Jim Black. Please contact Jim at to sign up for a rest stop.

    ABC members have staffed the 4 rest stops since the first Lifeline 100. This is our big annual event to support our county, city, and BikeAAA, and spread the good word about our club and grow our membership.

    Our rest stops and Captains are:

    • Bay Ridge Swim Club - Jennifer Meyers
         Needs 7-8 volunteers
    • Galesville Wharf waterfront park at Pirates Cove- Steve Graham

         This is the only stop on the century loop and needs 4-5 volunteers

    • Davidsonville Park and Rutland Road century water stops 

         Need 2 volunteers 

    • Crofton Park - LJ Reiter

         This is a busy location and needs 7-8 volunteers

    • Dixon Observation Park by BWI - Tina McDermott

         This is the busiest location and needs 13-14 volunteers

    This is the link: for the ride itself.

    Please contact with Jim Black with your availability to volunteer - let him know your first and second choice locations or whether you're flexible as to assignment.

    We have scheduled our own ride of the routes a week before the public event so that we can enjoy the rides too and socialize properly afterwards.

    Posted by JCT 10/10/24

    • 10/12/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Mayo Elem School, 1260 Mayo Ridge Rd, Edgewater 21037

    Oktoberfest options coming

    signup with a fixed fee ~$35 to go to Old Stein Inn

    signup without a fee to just enjoy the ride

    This is a 49 mile ride starting from Mayo Elementary School across from Old Stein Inn where we can meet after the ride to celebrate Oktoberfest with great German food and bier and wine and enjoy live music in the beirgarten starting at 2pm. All members are welcome. We are starting at 10am to make sure the weather is comfortable.

    This is the RWGPS 49 route - With a stop at mile 24 at the the gas station we've used before. There are plenty of segments for sprints, climbs, and descents.

    This is the RWGPS 40 route - With a stop at mile 12 at the the Harwood gas station we've used before. There are plenty of segments for sprints, climbs, and descents.

    Please sign up early so we can let the Inn know how many of us will stay to fest together. Wear your lederhosen or dirndl dress. ABC will buy the pretzels and wurst sampler.


    Posted by John Tyrrell on 10/21/24

    • 11/06/2025
    • 7:00 AM
    • 11/09/2025
    • 4:30 PM
    • Walterboro, South Carolina

    This is a general announcement for the cycling community. This is not an ABC event. ABC does not specifically endorse non-ABC events.  

    ABC members have gone in the past.

    Participant list link

    November CHECK THE DATES IN 2025

    Sign up for 1-4 days. All speeds and distances are welcome.

    FestiVELO is up to 4 days of riding in the Lowcountry of South Carolina — you pick the days, you pick the distance. You have your choice of rides to suit your ambition and skill level.

    You have never experienced a more exciting and activity-filled bike event than FestiVELO! We have up to 400 miles of riding over 4 days. But FestiVELO is more than a bike ride. It also includes lots of festivities and delicious food: breakfast and hot meals at your lunch rest stops each day. When you return to home base in Walterboro in the afternoons, we have more food and festivities for you: themed dinners, drinks, activities and entertainment to celebrate your riding accomplishments.

    You will want to spend at least one night and enjoy the uniqueness of FestiVELO. We're capping registration at 330 riders to ensure the quality of the event, so register now to secure your spot and get the best rate available! Want to see who else is coming? Simply check the Participants page.

    posted by JCT 11/11/24

    • 02/10/2026

    Action - Treasurer and or President

    Process - go to USA Cycling website, login, renew it. JCT has the login and password.

    Posted by JCT 2/10/25

    • 02/10/2026

    We will receive information from the insurance provider, American Specialty Insurance, and League of American Bicyclists, about how and when to do this.

    Process - We will be invited to an annual on-line meeting, followed by an on-line application and payment.

    These are two separate policies, applications, and payments.

    Action lead is our Treasurer.

    Status - JCT renewed the policy on 1/30/25 and posted the documents to the website.

    Posted by JCT 11/30/24

    • 04/14/2026

    This is an annual requirement to maintain our insurance coverage and club organization membership and directory listing.

    Renew NLT 5/1/26

    Use this website:

    Our club is 2046592.

    Action lead is our Treasurer.

    Posted by JCT 12/10/25

    • 04/25/2026

    Reminder to renew the business website with Wild Apricot. This is the foundation of our business operation.

    Process - This is automatically billed to our club bank debit card on this date.

    Action owner is our club Treasurer.

    Posted by JCT 2/10/24

    • 10/01/2026

    Renew our annual donation to BikeAAA via their website. Action is with our Treasurer.

    Posted by JCT 2/10/25

    • 01/01/2027
    • 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Davidsonville Park

    No-drop 14-15 MPH to Galesville from Davisonville Park (not the park n ride) with a rest stop ~mile 17 in Galesville. 


    Ride leader and POC: Jim Black

    Posted by JH on 3/13/25

Past events

03/13/2025 Performance Velo 29 miles Crownsville
03/12/2025 ABC Team Rides Across Md Planning - Google Meet
03/11/2025 Tuesday Evening South County Ride
03/09/2025 Ilchester Hill Climb 29 mi
03/09/2025 Daylight Saving Time Begins Today
03/08/2025 Southern High School (SHS) to Deale 37 Mile Ride
03/06/2025 Performance Velo (PV) – D’ville Park and Ride Commuter Lot
03/02/2025 Annual Meeting & 32nd Birthday Gala - REGISTRATION CLOSED - We are at capacity
03/01/2025 Deale 35 Miles @ 15-16 mph
03/01/2025 Southern High - Cheneyville
03/01/2025 ABC Galesville 30 miles 14-15 mph
02/27/2025 Performance Velo 38 miles from Davidsonville Park (not Park & Ride)
02/23/2025 AR Catoctin Climber
02/21/2025 **Friday** Performance Velo (PV) – 30.5 miles Homestead Gardens
02/20/2025 Third Thursday Get Together
02/13/2025 *CANCELED-weather* Performance Velo (PV) – D’ville Park and Ride Commuter Lot
02/07/2025 Performance Velo 38 mi - Davidsonville Park (not Park & Ride)
02/05/2025 Renew USA Cycling membership & club listing
02/03/2025 Start the Week 20-30 @ 15-16 mph
02/02/2025 Cancelled temps - Deale 35 Miles @ 15-16 mph
02/01/2025 51 miles Davidsonville Park headed North
02/01/2025 Renew D&O and Accident Insurance Policies
01/30/2025 Performance Velo (PV) – SERC
01/26/2025 A Winter Weekend Ride! 43 miles
01/26/2025 A Winter Weekend Ride! 32 miles
01/25/2025 DES - 35 at 16-17 mph
01/23/2025 Performance Velo (PV) – 30.5 miles Homestead Gardens
01/16/2025 Third Thursday Get Together
01/11/2025 Snow Day
01/09/2025 **CANCELED** Performance Velo (PV) – D’ville Park and Ride Commuter Lot
01/05/2025 Almost New Years Day - 27.7 miles @ 13-14 mph
01/05/2025 Almost New Years Day - 30 miles @ 15-16 mph
01/05/2025 Almost New Years Day - 36.8 miles @ 17 mph
01/02/2025 Performance Velo (PV) – SERC
01/01/2025 Test Event Sample of New Feature
12/29/2024 50 miles from Southern High 17+ mph
12/29/2024 50 miles from Southern High 15-16 mph
12/28/2024 Canceled due to rain: Kent Island Octopus ride (29, 38, 50, 65, or 100 mile options)
12/26/2024 Performance Velo 38 miles from Davidsonville Park (not Park & Ride)
12/21/2024 Winter Solstice 25, 50, 75, 100 Challenge
12/19/2024 Third Thursday Get Together
12/19/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – 30.5 miles Homestead Gardens
12/16/2024 Board Meeting with Members
12/15/2024 Canceled - KI Point to Point 35
12/15/2024 51 mile Sunday Ride BWI to Sandy Point 17- 18 mph
12/15/2024 51 mile Sunday Ride BWI to Sandy Point 15-16 mph
12/08/2024 Lights on the Bay (OSR)
12/08/2024 Sunday Ride from BWI @ 12 noon
11/30/2024 Bicycle Maintenance Course - Live!
11/30/2024 41 from Davidsonville Park (canceled due to cold)
11/29/2024 Parvilla's Cranksgiving (OSR)
11/24/2024 Bikes and Lights - Winter Festival of Lights (OSR)
11/24/2024 Ft McHenry - Charm City 32
11/23/2024 50 miles from Southern High
11/21/2024 Third Thursday Get Together
11/21/2024 *New Start Time 10:00* Performance Velo 38 miles from Davidsonville Park (not Park & Ride)
11/17/2024 Sunday Social 35 miles @ 14-16 mph
11/16/2024 Davidsonville Elementary 45 miles 17+ mph
11/16/2024 Davidsonville Elementary 45 miles 15/16 mph
11/14/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – 30.5 miles Homestead Gardens
11/13/2024 Board Meeting
11/09/2024 Deale 36.7 miles @ 14-16 mph
11/09/2024 Davidsonville Park to Fairhaven 17-19 mph
11/07/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – *NEW S.E.R.C Route #2
11/07/2024 FestiVelo 2024 in South Carolina - 1-4 days (OSR)
11/03/2024 AR Chestertown Downrigging Metric & 48
11/02/2024 Crownsville/Davidsonville Hill Ride and Social 16-18 mph
10/31/2024 Kent Island Flatlander
10/27/2024 Sunday Social 35 miles @ 14-16 mph
10/27/2024 Upper Lifeline 55 @ 15-16 mph
10/26/2024 Great Pumpkin Ride (OSR)
10/26/2024 Southern High 51
10/26/2024 Southern High 38
10/24/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – D’ville Park and Ride Commuter Lot
10/20/2024 Oktoberfest 49 with social
10/20/2024 Oktoberfest 40 option with social
10/19/2024 Cecil & Harford 50 / 3600
10/19/2024 Firefighter 50 route (ABC ride) at 15-16 mph
10/17/2024 Third Thursday Get Together
10/17/2024 AR Seneca to Sugarloaf - CANCELLED
10/17/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – S.E.R.C
10/13/2024 62 Mile Sunday Ride from Southern High 9 AM start
10/13/2024 37 Mile Sunday Ride from Southern High 9 AM Start
10/12/2024 Saturday 43 miler from Davidsonville Park
10/11/2024 UnPAved (OSR)
10/10/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – 30.5 miles Homestead Gardens
10/08/2024 Final 2024 South County Evening Ride - 5:00 PM start
10/08/2024 AR Thurmont Covered Bridge 36
10/06/2024 Lifeline 100 Annual Rides - Rest Stop Volunteers (non ride)
10/05/2024 Saturday Ride 36 miles from Deale to North Beach
10/05/2024 Saturday Ride 51 miles to North Beach
10/05/2024 Severna Park park and ride loop
10/03/2024 Performance Velo 29 miles Crownsville
10/01/2024 CANCELED - RAIN - South County Evening Ride - 5:00 PM start
10/01/2024 AR Seneca to Sugarloaf -POSTPONED to Oct 17
09/28/2024 7th annual bike the Gravel (OSR)
09/28/2024 Lifeline 100 Pre-Ride for Rest Stop Volunteers
09/28/2024 Seagull Century (OSR)
09/26/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – D’ville Park and Ride Commuter Lot
09/24/2024 South County Evening Ride - 21 miles
09/24/2024 ABC Team Rides Across Md - Stage 4 - Kent Isl/Queenstown Post Ofc to Ocean City
09/24/2024 ABC Ride Across Md Volunteer Stage 4
09/23/2024 ABC Team Rides Across Md - Stage 3 - Boonsboro to Sandy Point
09/23/2024 ABC Ride Across Md Volunteer Stage 3
09/22/2024 ABC Team Rides Across Md - Stage 2 - Rocky Gap St Park to Boonesboro
09/22/2024 Sunday Social revised 35 miles & 14-16 mph
09/22/2024 ABC Ride Across Md Volunteer Stage 2
09/21/2024 ABC Team Rides Across Md - Stage 1 - Oakland to Rocky Gap St Park
09/21/2024 ABC Ride Across Md Volunteer Stage 1
09/20/2024 Love Valley Roubaix, Gravel Grinder Classic (OSR)
09/19/2024 Third Thursday Get Together
09/19/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – S.E.R.C
09/18/2024 Board Meeting
09/17/2024 CANCELED DUE TO RAIN - South County Evening Ride - 21 miles
09/16/2024 ABC Team Rides Across Md - Google Meet & Planning
09/15/2024 Ride for Clean Rivers (OSR)
09/15/2024 AR 7th Annual Western MD Paved Rail Trail 1/2 Century - All Member Ride
09/15/2024 Gran Fondo Maryland (OSR)
09/14/2024 51 miles from Southern High
09/14/2024 38 miles from Southern High
09/14/2024 Michaux Gravel 2024 (OSR)
09/12/2024 Performance Velo 38 miles from Davidsonville Park (not Park & Ride)
09/10/2024 South County Evening Ride
09/08/2024 51 miles from Southern High School
09/08/2024 35 miles from Southern High School
09/07/2024 Metric Century & 38 miles from Davidsonville Park - 16-18 mph
09/07/2024 Amish Country Bike Tour (OSR)
09/07/2024 The Civil War Century (OSR)
09/04/2024 Board Meeting
09/03/2024 South County Evening Ride
09/01/2024 Best Coffee Trailer 22 at 14-16 mph
08/31/2024 Metric down to Calvert County
08/31/2024 43 miles From Southern High to Chesapeake Beach
08/29/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – Crofton Park
08/27/2024 South County Evening Ride
08/27/2024 Tuesday Morning Killer Hills
08/25/2024 Sunday Social revised 35 miles & 14-16 mph
08/24/2024 Arundel H.S. 22 / 40 / 46 mile options
08/22/2024 *Route revised! Performance Velo (PV) – D’ville Park and Ride Commuter Lot
08/20/2024 South County Evening Ride
08/18/2024 Sunday Social revised 35 miles & 14-16 mph
08/18/2024 Lancaster Covered Bridge Classic (OSR)
08/17/2024 Southern High 40 mi, 14-16 mph option 2
08/17/2024 Spin your legs before Lancaster, 28 miles at 16-18 mph
08/17/2024 Southern High 50 mi, 17-18 mph option 1
08/15/2024 Third Thursday Get Together social
08/15/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – S.E.R.C
08/14/2024 ABC Team Rides Across Md - Google Meet & Planning
08/13/2024 South County Evening Ride
08/11/2024 Ilchester Hill Climb 29 mi
08/11/2024 Sunday Social revised 35 miles & 14-16 mph
08/10/2024 Southern High 40 mi, 14-16 mph option 2
08/10/2024 Southern High 50 mi, 17-18 mph option 1
08/08/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – 30.5 miles Homestead Gardens
08/07/2024 ABC Team Rides Across Md - Google Meet & Planning
08/07/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation - RAINED OUT
08/06/2024 South County Evening Ride
08/04/2024 Sunday Social 30 (new) at 14-16 mph
08/03/2024 Ridgeway Elem School - 39 miles & 1800 climb to Ellicott City
08/03/2024 Ellicott City Hill Climber - ~40 miles @ 2600 ascent
08/03/2024 Southern High 50 mi, 17-18 mph
08/01/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – 30.5 miles Homestead Gardens
07/31/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation
07/30/2024 South County Evening Ride
07/27/2024 The 80s & Ice Cream - 42 miles at 15-17 mph
07/26/2024 Make up day
07/26/2024 Dirty Kitten Gravel Race (OSR)
07/25/2024 Parvilla Cycles 27 miles @ 18-20 mph (OSR)
07/24/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation
07/23/2024 South County Evening Rides
07/21/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 at 13-15 mph
07/20/2024 REPEAT - ABC Team Rides Across Maryland - Description Call-In
07/20/2024 Kent Island Flatlander Triple Play
07/20/2024 38 or 51 miles from Southern High School
07/19/2024 Free - Bowie Baysox Baseball & ABC - March in Olympic Summer Games Parade & Game Night
07/18/2024 Third Thursday Get Together
07/18/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – Crofton Park
07/17/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation
07/16/2024 South County Evening Ride
07/15/2024 ABC Team Rides Across Maryland - Description Call-In on Saturday!
07/14/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 at 13-15 mph
07/14/2024 Hains Point - Rock Creek Park 40 miles at 14-17 mph
07/13/2024 Watch the National Clustered Spires High Wheel Race Criterium
07/11/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – Corridor Park
07/10/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation
07/09/2024 South County Evening Ride
07/07/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 at 13-15 mph
07/06/2024 Triple Play! South River H.S. 32 / 37 / 45 miles
07/04/2024 62 Mile Fourth of July Ride
07/04/2024 37 Mile Fourth of July Ride
07/03/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation
07/02/2024 South County Evening Ride
07/02/2024 Tu & Th meet-up
06/30/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 at 13-15 mph
06/29/2024 Deale - 44 miles - 15-16 mph
06/29/2024 South County Early Bird 62 or 36 mile option
06/27/2024 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 18-20 MPH (OSR)
06/27/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – 30.5 miles Homestead Gardens
06/26/2024 ABC Team Rides Across Maryland - Description Call-In
06/26/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation
06/25/2024 South County 21-26 miles 17+ mph
06/25/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 mph (SoCo 14-16)
06/23/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 at 13-15 mph
06/23/2024 Naval Bagels Arnold 20 at 13-15 mph
06/23/2024 Lion's Bay to Bay Century Rides (OSR)
06/22/2024 Davidsonville Park to Deale - 44 miles & new route
06/20/2024 Third Thursday Get Together
06/20/2024 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 18-20 MPH (OSR)
06/20/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – Renditions Golf Club
06/19/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation
06/18/2024 South County 21-26 miles 17+ mph
06/18/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 mph (SoCo 14-16)
06/18/2024 AR St. Michaels Metric
06/16/2024 AR Savage River Run 58 miles 16-18 mph
06/16/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 at 13-15 mph
06/15/2024 Fairhaven Loop and BBQ - 32 mile ride
06/13/2024 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 18-20 MPH (OSR)
06/12/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation
06/11/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 mph (SoCo 14-16)
06/11/2024 South County 21-26 miles 17+ mph
06/11/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – Corridor Park
06/09/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 at 13-15 mph
06/09/2024 Firefighter 50 & Century (OSR)
06/08/2024 Patuxent River Rural Legacy Ride (OSR)
06/08/2024 Tour de Frederick (OSR)
06/06/2024 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 18-20 MPH (OSR)
06/05/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation
06/04/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 mph (SoCo 14-16)
06/04/2024 South County 21-26 miles 17+ mph
06/02/2024 Honey's Harvest Farm 39 miles
06/02/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 at 13-15 mph
06/02/2024 Frederick Classic Climbing (AR) - 47 miles @ 15-18 mph
06/01/2024 38 and 54 miles from Davidsonville Park (not Park & Ride)
06/01/2024 Armed Forces Cycling Classic Challenge Ride Criterium Race (OSR)
05/30/2024 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 18-20 MPH (OSR)
05/30/2024 Kent Island Flatlander Triple Play
05/29/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation
05/28/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 mph (SoCo 14-16)
05/28/2024 South County 21-26 miles 17+ mph
05/28/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – D’ville Park and Ride Commuter Lot
05/26/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 at 13-15 mph
05/25/2024 To Old Ellicott City - 38 miles round trip at 14-15 mph
05/23/2024 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 18-20 MPH (OSR)
05/22/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation
05/21/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 mph (SoCo 14-16)
05/21/2024 South County 21-26 miles 17+ mph
05/21/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – 30.5 miles Homestead Gardens, Davidsonville, MD
05/19/2024 Kent Island (QuAC) - 27 / 35 / 50 miles
05/19/2024 Storming of Thunder Ridge (OSR) - 27, 45, 48, 75 and 100 mile routes
05/18/2024 Triple Play! South River H.S. 32 / 37 / 45 miles
05/18/2024 AR Valley TransVA 215
05/18/2024 Tri-County Classic (OSR)
05/16/2024 Third Thursday Get Together social (TTGT)
05/16/2024 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 18-20 MPH (OSR)
05/16/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – Renditions Golf Club
05/15/2024 Ride of Silence (OSR)
05/15/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation
05/14/2024 (Cancelled - Rain) South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 mph (SoCo 14-16)
05/14/2024 (Cancelled - Rain) South County 21-26 miles 17+ mph
05/11/2024 ToMd SoWiWo-Go Counties Tour (AR) 75 miles
05/11/2024 Double Play (54 or 62 miles) from Southern H.S.
05/11/2024 Deale - 44 miles - 15-16 mph
05/09/2024 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 18-20 MPH (OSR)
05/08/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation - 10-25 miles at 14-17 mph
05/08/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – S.E.R.C
05/07/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 MPH meet-up (SoCo 14-16)
05/07/2024 South County 21-26 miles at 17-18 mph
05/05/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 at 13-15 mph
05/05/2024 Davidsonville ES 38 miles at 14-16 mph
05/05/2024 New York City 5 Boro Bike Tour (OSR)
05/04/2024 Triple Play - Davidsonville Park 32, 38 & 54 miles
05/04/2024 Maryland Coast Bicycle Festival (OSR)
05/04/2024 Six Pillars Century, 56, and 37 (OSR)
05/02/2024 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 18-20 MPH (OSR)
04/30/2024 South County 21-26 miles at 17-18 mph (see updates)
04/30/2024 (Cancelled - Rain) South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 MPH meet-up (SoCo 14-16)
04/30/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – D’ville Park and Ride Commuter Lot
04/28/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 at 13-15 mph & 35 mile options
04/28/2024 ToMD St Mary’s and Charles County Ride 45 miles
04/27/2024 Cycle for Cecil (OSR)
04/27/2024 Ocean to Bay Bike Tour (OSR)
04/27/2024 Ride to End Hunger in Calvert County (OSR)
04/25/2024 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 18-20 MPH (OSR)
04/25/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – 30.5 miles Homestead Gardens, Davidsonville, MD
04/24/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation - 10-25 miles at 14-17 mph
04/23/2024 South County 21-26 miles at 17-18 mph
04/23/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 MPH meet-up (SoCo 14-16)
04/21/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 at 13-15 mph
04/20/2024 ABC Tour of MD - Montgomery County 39 mile
04/20/2024 Triple Play - Davidsonville Park 32, 38 & 54 miles
04/18/2024 Third Thursday Get Together
04/18/2024 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 18-20 MPH (OSR)
04/18/2024 Black Market Velo- 37 miles
04/17/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation - 10-25 miles at 14-17 mph
04/16/2024 South County 21-26 miles at 17-18 mph
04/16/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 MPH meet-up (SoCo 14-16)
04/16/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – Corridor Park
04/14/2024 South River HS - 45.5 mi
04/14/2024 Sunday Social 26.1 miles at 13-15 mph
04/14/2024 NOW SUNDAY: Carroll County AR: Pipe Creek line; 55 miles, 3300'
04/14/2024 NOW SUNDAY - Davidsonville Park 32, 38 & 54 miles
04/13/2024 HIGH WIND! - Rides moved to Sunday
04/10/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation - 10-25 miles at 14-17 mph
04/09/2024 South County 21-26 miles at 17-18 mph
04/09/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 MPH meet-up (SoCo 14-16)
04/09/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – SERC
04/07/2024 Let's go to the beach - 34.5 & 43 miles
04/06/2024 Triple Play! South River H.S. 32 / 37 / 45 miles
04/05/2024 Skyline Climber (AR) - Friday Option
04/03/2024 RAIN OUT NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation - 10-25 miles at 14-17 mph
04/02/2024 (Canceled - rain) South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 mph meet-up (SoCo 14-16)
04/02/2024 (Canceled - rain) South County 21-26 miles at 17-18 mph
04/02/2024 POSTPONED - Performance Velo (PV) – Homestead Gardens
03/31/2024 Tour of MD Cecil and Harford Counties
03/31/2024 Easter
03/30/2024 Birthday Ride 38 or 40.7 miles 14-16 mph
03/30/2024 Deale 36 miles, 15 mph
03/30/2024 Frederick Metric / 54 / 30 mile routes
03/30/2024 Request-a-Ride?
03/29/2024 Performance Velo (PV) – D’ville Park & Ride COMMUTER Lot 28 Miles
03/27/2024 NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation - 10-25 miles at 14-17 mph
03/26/2024 South County 21-26 miles at 17-18 mph
03/26/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 mph meet-up (SoCo 14-16)
03/26/2024 Performance Velo (MPV) – D’ville Park & Ride COMMUTER Lot
03/24/2024 Pier to Pier from DES - 34-39 miles
03/24/2024 Request-a-Ride?
03/23/2024 Rain Day
03/22/2024 Crownsville Meet-Up ~25 miles
03/21/2024 Third Thursday Get Together Cyclist Social - Greek Rest.
03/20/2024 Wind Canc - NorCo - BWI Signature Aviation - 10-25 miles
03/19/2024 South County 21-26 miles at 17-18 mph
03/19/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 mph meet-up (SoCo 14-16)
03/19/2024 Performance Velo (MPV) – Renditions Golf Club
03/17/2024 Ellicott City Hill Climber - ~40 miles @ 2600 ascent
03/17/2024 Request-a-Ride Intake Form
03/16/2024 3 County Eastern Shore
03/16/2024 Galesville 30 miles 15 mph
03/16/2024 35 & 53 miles from Southern High School
03/15/2024 Sweet Caroline (County) 30-62 miles
03/14/2024 ABC Team Rides Across Maryland planning #3
03/14/2024 Four MD Counties 113 miles
03/13/2024 NorCo - BWI Dixon Obs Park- 10-25 miles at 14-17 mph
03/12/2024 South County 21-26 miles at 17-18 MPH
03/12/2024 South County 21-26 mi at 14-16 MPH meet-up (SoCo 14-16)
03/12/2024 Performance Velo (MPV) – Crofton Park
03/10/2024 Hill Climber - ~40 miles @ 2600 ascent
03/09/2024 Likely Rain Day
03/07/2024 Mid-week Performance Velo (MPV) – SERC - 17-20 MPH
03/05/2024 RAIN - Mid-week Performance Velo (MPV) – SERC - 17-20 MPH
03/03/2024 Club Annual Mtg & 31st Birthday Gala
03/03/2024 BWI - West Annapolis 46
03/02/2024 95% Likely Rain Day
03/01/2024 Friday Meetup replacement
02/27/2024 ABC Team Rides Across Maryland planning #2
02/27/2024 Mid-week Performance Velo (MPV) – Homestead Gardens - 17-20 MPH
02/25/2024 NCR trail 20-40-80 miles for all paces
02/24/2024 Winter Training around Severn River - 31.4 miles
02/20/2024 ABC Team Ride Across Maryland planning #1
02/20/2024 Mid-week Performance Velo (MPV) – New Route
02/19/2024 13-14 MPH ride discussion
02/19/2024 D'ville Park to Deale 20-35 mi at 14-16 MPH
02/19/2024 Presidents Day Climber - 50/32 Mi 3,100ft
02/18/2024 Harwood to Ches' Beach 30-46 mi 16-18 MPH
02/17/2024 Winter Training around Severn River - 31.4 miles
02/15/2024 Annual Maryland Bike Symposium 2024
02/11/2024 RAINED OUT. Sunday Arlington loop and more for 15-40 miles at 15-16 MPH
02/10/2024 Winter Training around Severn River - 31.4 miles
02/10/2024 Davidsonville Park to Galesville - 35 miles at 15-16 MPH
02/08/2024 Mid-week Performance Velo (MPV)
02/07/2024 Ellicott City Trolly Stop 23 miles
02/06/2024 NorCo - BWI Dixon Obs Park- 10-25 miles at 14-17 MPH
02/04/2024 Performance Velo (PV)
02/03/2024 Gravel: Aldie, VA, 41 miles, 3000+'
02/03/2024 Arundel HS Velo 42 @ 17-18 MPH
02/03/2024 Winter Training around Severn River - 31.4 miles
02/01/2024 A'polis PnR to Herrington Harbor Velo - 52 miles
01/27/2024 Winter Training around Severn River - 31.4 miles
01/27/2024 SoCo 38 and 51 miles
01/27/2024 Ellicott City Hills - 43.5 miles
01/26/2024 Friday 10AM Meet Up
01/20/2024 Winter Training around Severn River - 31.4 miles
01/18/2024 Third Thursday Get Together Cyclist Social
01/17/2024 ABC Insurance Program Briefing
01/15/2024 Armed Forces Challenge Crit Race registration is open
01/13/2024 Winter Training around Severn River - 31.4 miles
01/13/2024 38 and 51 miles Cancelled for Weather
01/08/2024 Mid-Week B Ride Meet Up ~28.8 miles at 17-18 MPH
01/07/2024 Impromptu 31 miles at 17 MPH, 1400 climb
01/06/2024 Rouvy: SwissTri Spiez - 24 miles, 1000 feet
01/06/2024 Winter Training around Severn River - 31.4 miles
01/04/2024 North County (NorCo) Meet Up - 26 Miles 16-17 MPH
01/02/2024 NYC 5 Boro Bike Tour Registration Opens Tomorrow
01/01/2024 Thunderous New Year 2024 - 3 Rides 25/28/35 - Let's Rock! All cyclists are welcome !
12/31/2023 Crank Away 2023 - 25/31/35 miles at 15-17 MPH & Social
12/30/2023 Jonas Green Park ~40 at 14-16 MPH
12/30/2023 Winter Training around Severn River - 31.4 miles
12/23/2023 Winter Training around the Severn 31.5 mile
12/23/2023 Metric Century (& 38) from Davidsonville Park - 16-18 mph
12/16/2023 Deale 36 miles, 15-16 mph
12/16/2023 BWI Lollipop ride - 40 miles
12/16/2023 Winter Training around the Severn 31.4 mile
12/16/2023 North Beach 51 miles - 16-18 mph
12/15/2023 Parvilla Bike Shop Open House Store Party
12/09/2023 South River H.S. 37 & 45 miles
12/09/2023 Winter Training around the Severn 31.5 mile
12/03/2023 Bike Doctor Arnold Lights on the Bay Ride (OSR) - 6 mile loop
12/02/2023 Davidsonville Elem' School 25/35/45 mile options
11/24/2023 Turkey 50 @ 16 MPH
11/18/2023 North County from Davidsonville Park - 51 mi, 17ish mph - moved to Saturday 11/18
11/16/2023 Third Thursday Get Together
11/14/2023 Tu & Th meet-up
11/11/2023 Deale 36 miles, 15-16 mph
11/11/2023 Southern High 50 mi, 16-18 mph
11/11/2023 Southern High 40 mi, 15-16+ mph - Happy Veterans Day
11/09/2023 FestiVelo 2023 in South Carolina - 4 days (OSR)
11/05/2023 Sunday Spin 54 at 16-18 MPH
11/04/2023 Galesville 30 miles 15-16 mph
11/04/2023 Davidsonville Park - 42 mile ride at 15 - 16 mph
11/04/2023 South River H.S. 45 mi 16-18 mph
10/29/2023 Arnold Loop 40 miles @ 15 - 16 mph
10/28/2023 AR Chestertown Downrigging Metric & 48
10/25/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Obs Park- 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
10/22/2023 Oktoberfest 49 with social
10/21/2023 AR St. Mary's County 1/2 Century & Metric & Century
10/19/2023 Third Thursday Get Together
10/18/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Obs Park- 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
10/17/2023 AR Thurmont Covered Bridge 36
10/15/2023 Lifeline 100/62 post-ride (resked from rain)
10/14/2023 Being Resked - Rain - AR NCR TCB Rail Trail 20-80 miles even as far as York, PA
10/11/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Obs Park- 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
10/08/2023 Harwood to Deale 31 miles - 15 mph
10/07/2023 ABC's Baltimore Tour Dem Parks, Hon! 37 miler
10/04/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Obs Park- 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
10/03/2023 AR Seneca to Sugarloaf
10/01/2023 Lifeline 100 Annual Ride - Rest Stop Volunteers (non ride)
09/30/2023 Tina’s 39 yrs young Birthday Ride.
09/28/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 20 MPH (OSR) - Final ride
09/27/2023 NorCo - BWI FERNDALE FIRE HOUSE - 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
09/24/2023 RAIN CANCELLED - Arnold Loop 40 miles @ 15 - 16 mph
09/24/2023 CANCELLED TOO - Lifeline 100/62 Pre-ride with SUNDAY RAIN DAY
09/23/2023 CANCELLED DUE TO 100% RAIN - Lifeline 100/62 Pre-ride with SUNDAY RAIN DAY
09/21/2023 Third Thursday Get Together cyclist social
09/21/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 18-20 MPH (OSR)
09/21/2023 Kent Island 50 (35mi opt)
09/20/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Obs Park- 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
09/19/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 17-18 MPH
09/17/2023 Ride for Clean Rivers (OSR)
09/17/2023 Final tune-up for a century - 85 miles - 16-18 MPH
09/17/2023 Gran Fondo Md & National Championships (OSR)
09/16/2023 Black Market Bakery 50 mile
09/16/2023 AR 6th Annual Western MD Rail Trail 1/2 Century - All Member Ride
09/14/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 20 MPH (OSR)
09/13/2023 NorCo - Elkridge Furnace Inn - 10-25 miles at 14-17 MPH
09/12/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 17-18 MPH
09/09/2023 22 or 35 mile meet-up rides at 13-15 mph.
09/09/2023 AR Elder Pine Ride
09/09/2023 Sands Road Park - 73 miles - 16-18 MPH
09/09/2023 The Civil War Century (OSR)
09/09/2023 Amish Country Bike Tour (OSR)
09/07/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 20 MPH (OSR)
09/06/2023 NorCo - Dixon BWI Park - 10-25 miles at 15-17 MPH
09/05/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 17-18 MPH
09/03/2023 Watch the Maryland Cycling Classic Pro Race with Tour de France Teams and Team USA
09/02/2023 Deale ride - 44 miles - 15-16 mph
09/02/2023 22 or 35 mile meet-up rides at 13-15 mph.
09/02/2023 Davidsonville Park to the Beach - 62 miles - 16-18 mph
08/31/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 20 MPH (OSR)
08/30/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Park- 10-25 miles at 14-17 MPH
08/29/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 17-18 MPH
08/27/2023 Pier to Pier - 32 miles at 15-17MPH
08/26/2023 South River H.S. 45 miles & 2,000 feet climb
08/26/2023 22 or 35 mile meet-up rides at 13-15 mph.
08/24/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 20 MPH (OSR)
08/23/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Park - 10-25 miles at 15-17 MPH
08/22/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 17-18 MPH
08/20/2023 Pier to Pier - 32 miles at 15-17MPH
08/20/2023 Lancaster Covered Bridge Classic (OSR)
08/19/2023 South River High School 45 miles & 2,000 feet climb
08/19/2023 22 or 35 mile meet-up rides at 13-15 mph.
08/19/2023 Deale 36 miles, 14-15 mph
08/17/2023 Third Thursday Get Together cyclist social
08/17/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 20 MPH (OSR)
08/16/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Park - 10-25 miles at 14-17 MPH
08/15/2023 [Canceled] South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 17-18 MPH
08/12/2023 22 or 35 mile meet-up rides at 13-15 mph.
08/12/2023 Prettyboy Reservoir 50 and 32 mile ride
08/12/2023 Ride to See - A Bicycling Tour of Kent County (OSR)
08/10/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 20 MPH (OSR)
08/09/2023 NorCo - Elkridge Furnace Inn - 10-25 miles at 14-17 MPH
08/08/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 17-18 MPH
08/05/2023 Deale ride - 44 miles - 15 mph
08/05/2023 22 mile at 13-15 mph Meet-up
08/05/2023 Frederick metric and 30 miles
08/03/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 20 MPH (OSR)
08/02/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Park - 10-25 miles at 14-17 MPH
08/01/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 17-18 MPH
07/30/2023 Howard County Metric & 34 Miles @ 16-20 MPH
07/29/2023 Half of 80 + Ice Cream Ride @ 15 - 17 MPH
07/29/2023 22 mile at 13-15 mph Meet-up
07/27/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 20 MPH (OSR)
07/27/2023 Annapolis High School - Harry S. Truman 34 mile
07/26/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Park - 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
07/22/2023 Southern HS(SHS) to North Bch 45
07/22/2023 RAGBRAI (OSR)
07/20/2023 Third Thursday Get Together cyclist social
07/20/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 20 MPH (OSR)
07/19/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Park - 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
07/18/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
07/15/2023 D'ville E.S to Chesapeake Bch 54 mi at 16-18 MPH - No drop
07/15/2023 D'ville E.S to Chesapeake Bch 45 mi at 14-16 MPH - No drop
07/13/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 20 MPH (OSR)
07/12/2023 NorCo - Dixon BWI park to Two Rivers - 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
07/11/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
07/08/2023 ALL CLUB RIDES! Annual St. Michael's & Oxford Ferry Boat 3 Rides
07/06/2023 Bikes and Beers 27 miles @ 20 MPH (OSR)
07/05/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Park - 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
07/04/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
07/04/2023 SHS - 61 Miles at 15-17 MPH No-drop
07/03/2023 Norco 20 miles
07/02/2023 Southern HS 40 at 17 MPH
07/01/2023 Deale ride - 44 miles - 15 mph
07/01/2023 S.E.R.C - Deale 45 no drop ride
06/28/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Park - 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
06/27/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
06/25/2023 Lion's Bay to Bay Ride (OSR)
06/24/2023 Davidsonville Park 22 miles at 13-14 MPH
06/21/2023 RAIN CANCEL NorCo - Elkridge Furnace Inn - 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
06/20/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
06/17/2023 Galesville 30 miles 13-14 mph
06/17/2023 SHS - North Beach 46 & 61 mile rides
06/17/2023 Lothian - Calvert Cliffs State Park 80 miles at 17-18 MPH
06/15/2023 Third Thursday Get Together cyclist social
06/15/2023 Norco 20 miles
06/14/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Park - 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
06/13/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
06/13/2023 St. Michaels Metric
06/11/2023 Fairhaven Loop Ride and Beach Party - 32 miles @ 14-16 MPH
06/10/2023 AR - Somerset Princess
06/10/2023 South Shore Trail - Round the Severn/West Annapolis 31 mile
06/10/2023 BWI Marley Station Mall 65 miles - B 16-18 MPH
06/10/2023 Tour de Talbot (OSR)
06/10/2023 Patuxent River Rural Legacy Ride (OSR)
06/10/2023 Tour de Frederick (OSR)
06/08/2023 ABC South Shore Trail - Round the Severn/Annapolis 31 mile
06/07/2023 NorCo - BWI FERNDALE FIRE HOUSE - 10-25 miles at 13-16 MPH
06/06/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
06/04/2023 No Drop 20 Miles at 12-13 MPH
06/03/2023 AR Piscataway Explorer round 2
06/03/2023 Southern High School (SHS) - Metric Century
06/03/2023 Southern High School (SHS) - Meet-up for 43 Miles
05/31/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Park ~ 10-20 miles - 14-16 MPH
05/30/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
05/28/2023 Kinder Farm Loop 27.5 - NO DROP
05/28/2023 Southern High School (SHS) - Metric Century
05/27/2023 S.E.R.C - Deale 45 no drop ride
05/27/2023 Southern High School (SHS) - Metric Century
05/25/2023 South County 25 at 16-17 MPH
05/24/2023 NorCo - BWI this week to Two Rivers ~ 25 miles - 14-16 MPH
05/23/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
05/21/2023 Black Market Bakers 41 miles to Deale
05/21/2023 Storming of Thunder Ridge (OSR)
05/20/2023 Davidsonville Park 22 mile ride at 13 - 14 MPH pace.
05/20/2023 ABC Impromptu 40+ mile Ride -NO DROP 17-18mph avg
05/18/2023 Third Thursday Get Together cyclist social
05/18/2023 Bike to Work Day
05/17/2023 Ride of Silence
05/17/2023 NorCo - BWI Dixon Park ~ 10-20 miles - 14-16 MPH
05/16/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
05/16/2023 NorCo - Jessup Dorsey Park ~ 20 miles at 15-17 MPH
05/14/2023 Deale ride - 42 miles - 15 - 16 MPH
05/14/2023 Upper Marlboro & Mount Calvert Historical & Archaeological Park, Prince Georges County 46 miles at 16-17 MPH
05/14/2023 Mother's Day
05/13/2023 RAIN CANCELLED - Southern High School (SHS) - Metric Century
05/13/2023 RAIN CANCELLED - Upper Marlboro & Mount Calvert Historical & Archaeological Park, Prince Georges County 40-50 miles at 16-17 MPH
05/13/2023 13-14 MPH Sands Road Park for 12 miles.
05/11/2023 Presentation about famous cyclist Major Taylor
05/11/2023 North County (NorCo) - Jessup Dorsey Park ~ new route 22.6 miles at 15-17 MPH
05/10/2023 NorCo - BWI observation park ~ 10-20 miles - 14-16 MPH
05/09/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
05/07/2023 New York City 5 Borough Bike Tour (OSR)
05/06/2023 Pier to Pier - 32 miles at 15-17MPH
05/06/2023 Six Pillars Century, 56, and 37 (OSR)
05/06/2023 Maryland Coast Bicycle Festival (OSR)
05/03/2023 NorCo - BWI park this Wednesday
05/02/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
04/30/2023 13-14 MPH WB&A Trail 11.8 miles (not the B&A Trail)
04/29/2023 Germantown Park-Sugarloaf loop 50.4 Miles
04/29/2023 13-14 MPH Kent Island Terrapin Park - Cross Island Trail 14 miles
04/29/2023 Southern HS 43 miles North Beach at 15 - 16 MPH
04/29/2023 Ocean to Bay Bike Tour (OSR)
04/26/2023 North County (NorCo) - Jessup Dorsey Park ~ new route 22.6 miles at 15-17 MPH
04/25/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
04/23/2023 13-14 MPH Kent Island Terrapin Park - Cross Island Trail 14 miles
04/22/2023 Club's 30th birthday today ALL-RIDE - 14/30/43 miles @14-17 MPH
04/22/2023 Cycle for Cecil (OSR)
04/22/2023 AR South Catoctin
04/22/2023 Ride to End Hunger in Calvert County (OSR)
04/20/2023 Third Thursday Get Together Cyclist Social
04/20/2023 Ellicott City Hill Fest - 21 miles
04/19/2023 NorCo - BWI park this week
04/18/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
04/16/2023 13-14 MPH - Sawmill Creek Park to B&A Trail 12-14 miles
04/16/2023 Deale ride - 44 miles - 15 MPH
04/16/2023 Southern HS 50 Half-Century & 62 miles Metric Century at 16 MPH
04/15/2023 13-14 MPH - Sawmill Creek Park to B&A Trail 12-14 miles
04/14/2023 NorCo TGIF - 18-20 miles @ 15-16 MPH
04/12/2023 North County (NorCo) - Ridgeway Elem School (long) or Odenton ES (short) to 2 Rivers 10-20 miles - 14-16 MPH
04/11/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
04/11/2023 Tu & Th meet-up
04/09/2023 13-14 MPH BWI Airport Trail 10.8 miles
04/08/2023 Spring Fling from Sands Road Park 41 miles at 16-17 MPH
04/08/2023 Davidsonville Park to Galesville - 35 miles at 15-16 MPH
04/08/2023 13-14 MPH WB&A Trail 11.8 miles (not the B&A Trail)
04/05/2023 North County (NorCo) - Jessup Dorsey Park ~ 20 miles at 15-17 MPH
04/04/2023 South County (SoCo) 21-25 miles at 15-18 MPH
04/02/2023 13-14 MPH BWI Airport Trail 10.8 miles
04/02/2023 Southern Comfort Ride 43 miles @ 16-18 MPH
04/02/2023 13-14 MPH WB&A Trail 11.8 miles (not the B&A Trail)
04/02/2023 AR Boroughs of Caroline County - 60 miles @ 16mph MOVED TO SUNDAY
04/01/2023 13-14 MPH WB&A Trail 11.8 miles (not the B&A Trail)
04/01/2023 Moon -25km at 1,200 MPH and ride planning message
03/30/2023 Extra North County (NorCo) Spin - BWI Park. - 20 miles - 15-16 MPH
03/30/2023 Ellicott City hills ride - 21 miles - No Drop
03/29/2023 North County (NorCo) - BWI Park this time. ~ 10-20 miles - 14-16 MPH
03/26/2023 Cherry Blossom 20 mi at 12-14 MPH on SUNDAY - Annual Ride for all levels
03/26/2023 Deale ride - 44 miles - 15 MPH - new day due to weather
03/26/2023 Kent Island Pirate Ride #2 - 14-35 miles at 14-17+ MPH
03/26/2023 SHS/North Beach 40 miles - 16 MPH - new day for weather
03/25/2023 Cherry Blossom 20 miles at 12-14 MPH - MOVED TO SUNDAY - Annual Ride for all levels (rain date 3/26)
03/22/2023 North County (NorCo) - BWI Park this time. ~ 10-20 miles - 14-16 MPH
03/21/2023 Homestead Gardens 31 miles - 17+ MPH
03/18/2023 DC Recon on trails and bike lanes 20 miles - 12-14 MPH
03/18/2023 Deale ride - 44 miles - 15 MPH
03/18/2023 SHS/North Beach 40 miles - 16 MPH
03/17/2023 on-line
03/16/2023 on-line
03/16/2023 SERC 36 miles - 16+ MPH
03/12/2023 ABC's 30th Birthday, Annual Meeting & Winter Party
03/11/2023 SHS/North Beach 40
03/07/2023 Tuesday Long Ride
03/05/2023 Riva Area Park - New 41 miles at ~16 MPH
03/04/2023 Patuxent River Rural Legacy - 35 miles
03/04/2023 Patuxent River Rural Legacy - 20 miles
03/04/2023 Patuxent River Rural Legacy - 44 miles
03/02/2023 on-line Paris Roubaix | Hell of the North | France
03/02/2023 Sands Road Park - Deale 33 mile at ~ 16-17mph
02/28/2023 on-line
02/28/2023 Midweek 50 at 17MPH
02/27/2023 on-line
02/26/2023 Riva Area Park - SERC +- 42 miles at ~16 MPH
02/25/2023 on-line
02/25/2023 Kent Island Pirate Ride 14 & 15 & 16 & 17+ MPH
02/23/2023 on-line
02/21/2023 on-line
02/20/2023 34 mile no-drop ride to Sandy Point State Park
02/20/2023 Holiday ride(s) TBD
02/19/2023 Pier to Pier - 32 miles at 15-17MPH
02/19/2023 STOP, SWAP AND SAVE huge annual cycling event (OSR)
02/16/2023 Third Thursday Get Together
02/11/2023 Pier to Pier - 32 miles at 15-17MPH
02/11/2023 AR Piscataway Explorer
02/07/2023 Tu & Th meet-up
02/05/2023 Deale No Donuts Ride (32&38 mile options)
02/04/2023 (CANX) Deale 36 miles, 15 mph
01/28/2023 Deale 36 miles, 15 mph
01/28/2023 Deale No Donuts Ride (32&38 mile options)
01/21/2023 Deale No Donuts Ride (32&38 mile options)
01/19/2023 Third Thursday Get Together in Downtown Annapolis
01/14/2023 Deale No Donuts Ride (32&38 mile options)
01/07/2023 Deale Donuts Ride (32&38 mile options)
01/02/2023 Deale 36 miles, 15 mph
12/30/2022 Farewell 2022: DES 34 @ 15 mph
12/30/2022 Farewell 2022: DES 50 @ 16 mph
12/29/2022 Rouvy in South Africa
12/28/2022 group ride 18 miles near Amsterdam
12/27/2022 Colorado River 19 miles
12/26/2022 group ride 13 miles
12/22/2022 Rouvy on line in Italy
12/21/2022 Rouvy on line in Italy
12/15/2022 Third Thursday Get Together
12/10/2022 DES 50 @ 15-16 mph
12/03/2022 Rain - Davidsonville Park to Chesapeake Bch 54 miles at 16 - 17 mph
12/03/2022 Davidsonville Park to Deale 39 miles
12/01/2022 - 5pm ABC Amsterdam
12/01/2022 - 9am ABC Cape Town
11/30/2022 - 9am ABC Vienna
11/29/2022 - 5pm ABC Athens Riviera
11/29/2022 - 9am ABC Athens Riviera
11/28/2022 - 5pm ABC Paris - The City of Love
11/28/2022 - 9am ABC Paris - The City of Love
11/26/2022 Turkey 50 @ 16 mph
11/17/2022 Third Thursday Get Together
11/12/2022 Deale 36 miles, 15-16 mph
11/10/2022 FestiVelo in South Carolina - 4 days (OSR)
11/06/2022 Ride 50
11/05/2022 Deale 36 miles, 15-16 mph
11/05/2022 Chris Flowers Birthday ride 43.5 miles / 70 kilometers with 3,455 FT of elevation
10/30/2022 Chestertown Downrigging Metric & 48 AR
10/29/2022 Deale 36 miles, 15-16 mph
10/26/2022 BWI Ride at 4:15 pm
10/25/2022 Kent Island 38 Mile Ride
10/22/2022 Fairhaven Loop
10/20/2022 Third Thursday Get Together
10/19/2022 BWI Ride at 4:15 pm
10/18/2022 AR Seneca to Sugarloaf
10/15/2022 Shady Side Ride at 9am & Chili Cookout 12:30 - 3pm
10/11/2022 AR Thurmont Covered Bridge Ride
10/08/2022 Deale 36 miles, 15-16 mph
10/08/2022 ABC Eastern Shore Century
10/08/2022 Sea Gull Century (OSR)
10/05/2022 Bavarian Brauhaus 23 miles
10/04/2022 Seneca to Sugarloaf POSTPONED
10/02/2022 Lifeline 100 Annual Ride - Rain Cancelled
10/01/2022 Zwift on-line group ride
10/01/2022 Frederick Oktoberfest Ride - Rain Cancelled
10/01/2022 Culpeper Cycling Century (OSR)
09/28/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:00 pm
09/27/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:00PM!
09/25/2022 ABC Ride to Deale 36 miles, 15-16 mph
09/24/2022 9 AM: Tina's Birthday Ride - Multi Class - Fast & Express Trains To Chesapeake
09/24/2022 Cannonball Century Ride (OSR)
09/24/2022 Lifeline 100/62 Pre-ride
09/22/2022 ABC St. Michaels 60-miles CANCELLED due to Weather
09/21/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:00 pm
09/20/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:00PM!
09/18/2022 Ride For Clean Rivers (OSR)
09/17/2022 Agricultural Farm Ride 8AM!
09/17/2022 Elkridge 58 Climber +2
09/17/2022 Postponed - ABC 5th Annual Western MD Rail Trail (paved)
09/15/2022 Third Thursday Get Together - Oktoberfest
09/14/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
09/13/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
09/10/2022 Valley Veterans Ride for Heroes - Road or Gravel (OSR)
09/10/2022 Amish Country Bike Tour (OSR)
09/10/2022 BBC Civil War Century (OSR)
09/07/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
09/06/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
09/05/2022 ABC 30-mile Galesville Ride
09/03/2022 Black Market Bakers metric 63.5 miles
09/03/2022 ABC 14-15 mph ride, 30-36 miles
09/03/2022 Black Market Bakers 83 miler
08/31/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
08/30/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Cancelled for weather
08/28/2022 ABC Picnic at Sandy Point State Park - Bluefish Shelter
08/27/2022 Picnic signup deadline at 5pm
08/27/2022 ABC 13-14 mph ride, 22 miles
08/27/2022 62 and 51 mile ride Davidsonville Park to North Beach
08/24/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
08/23/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
08/21/2022 ABC 13-15 mph ride CANCELED DUE TO NO PARTICIPANTS
08/21/2022 ABC 15-16 mph ride from Davidsonville Park
08/21/2022 Lancaster Covered Bridge Classic (OSR)
08/18/2022 Third Thursday Get Together
08/17/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
08/16/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
08/14/2022 ABC Ride to Deale 40 miles route TBD, 15-16 mph
08/13/2022 Tour de Frederick (OSR)
08/13/2022 Ride to See - A Bicycling Tour of Kent County (OSR)
08/10/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
08/07/2022 ABC Sunday 40
08/06/2022 ABC Deale ride - 44 miles - 15 mph
08/03/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
08/02/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
07/31/2022 ABC 13-15 mph ride
07/30/2022 Crownsville Hills Ride
07/30/2022 ABC Ride to Deale 36 miles, 15 mph
07/30/2022 ABC Denton to Lewis 101 & 73 Adventure Ride
07/27/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
07/26/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
07/23/2022 ABC Kent Island 49.7 and shorter
07/21/2022 Third Thursday Get Together
07/20/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
07/19/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
07/16/2022 Crownsville Hills Ride
07/16/2022 Elder Pine Brewing Ride
07/16/2022 ABC Galesville 30 miles 14-15 mph
07/16/2022 Bikes & Beers: Kent Island (OSR)
07/13/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
07/12/2022 Cancelled due to Storms - ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
07/10/2022 ABC Ride to Deale 15 mph
07/06/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
07/04/2022 ABC 13-14 mph ride
07/03/2022 ABC 13-14 mph ride POSTPONED
07/02/2022 ABC Crownsville Hills Ride
07/02/2022 ABC Southern High School 45 Mile Ride at 8:00
07/02/2022 Prez Run to Shady Side
07/01/2022 Picnic Registration Is Open for Picnic On 8/28/22
06/29/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
06/28/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
06/26/2022 Bay to Bay Ride (OSR)
06/25/2022 Montgomery County "close the gap" 44 miles
06/25/2022 ABC 14-15 mph ride
06/22/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
06/21/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
06/21/2022 ABC St. Michaels Metric
06/20/2022 Juneteenth 86 miler
06/18/2022 ABC Galesville 30 miles 14-15 mph
06/18/2022 ABC Davidsonville Park 41 Mile Ride at 15 - 16.
06/18/2022 ABC Weekend St. Michael's / Oxford Ferry Ride - 61 Miles
06/16/2022 Third Thursday Get Together- Nando’s Peri-Peri
06/15/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
06/14/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
06/14/2022 ABC St. Michaels Metric - POSTPONED
06/12/2022 Firefighter 50 Bicycle Ride and century (OSR)
06/11/2022 Deale Ride from Davidsonville Park
06/11/2022 Tour de Lebanon Valley metric (OSR)
06/08/2022 Cancelled : ABC South County Loop 25 mile Ride - ppd to Wed 6/8
06/08/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
06/05/2022 ABC 13-14 mph ride 22 miles
06/05/2022 Armed Forces Cycling Classic - Clarendon Cup Criterion Races (Day 2)
06/04/2022 Armed Forces Cycling Classic - Chrystal Cup Criterium Races (Day 1)
06/04/2022 Bikes & Beers: Baltimore (OSR)
06/04/2022 ABC 50 mile 15-16 mph ride from Davidsonville Park
06/04/2022 Armed Forces Cycling Classic Challenge Ride (OSR)
06/01/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
05/31/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
05/28/2022 8 & 9 AM Start times: ABC Multi Class Ride - Fast & Express Trains To Chesapeake
05/25/2022 Rescheduled to Wednesday May 25th-ABC South County Loop 25 Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
05/25/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
05/21/2022 Deale Ride
05/19/2022 Third Thursday Get Together
05/18/2022 Ride of Silence - 2022 - Our 20th Anniversary Year!
05/18/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
05/17/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
05/17/2022 ABC Tu & Th morning meet-up rides
05/15/2022 Prez Fast-50
05/15/2022 ABC Ride to Deale 14-15 mph
05/14/2022 Rainy Day Zwift Ride
05/14/2022 C3 Tri-County Classic (OSR)
05/11/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
05/10/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
05/07/2022 Maryland Coast Bicycle Festival (OSR)
05/07/2022 Six Pillars Century (and Metric) (OSR)
05/04/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
05/03/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
04/30/2022 Ocean to Bay Bike Tour (OSR)
04/29/2022 ABC Friday 30 miles, with a shorter (15ish) mile option
04/27/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
04/27/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 Ride - Starts at 5:30PM!
04/24/2022 Draw for Sight Bicycle Poker Ride (OSR)
04/23/2022 Updated route North Beach 40 miles at 14-15 MPH
04/23/2022 ABC Carroll County 60
04/23/2022 Bikes & Beers: Frederick (OSR)
04/21/2022 Third Thursday Get Together
04/20/2022 ATT: Changed to Wednesday April 20th - ABC South County Loop 25 Ride - Starts at 5:30 P.M.
04/20/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
04/16/2022 ABC Deale ride - 44 miles - 14-15 mph
04/16/2022 ABC "A Day in Hell" 2022
04/15/2022 ABC Friday 30 miles, with a shorter (15ish) mile option
04/13/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm
04/12/2022 ABC South County Loop 25 Ride - Starts at 5PM!
04/10/2022 ABC Sunday 20 mile ride in DC
04/09/2022 Pick Up New ABC Jersey
04/09/2022 First April All Ride 30 to 46 miles at 15-18 MPH
04/08/2022 ABC Friday 30 miles, with a shorter (15ish) mile option
04/06/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:00 pm
04/05/2022 WB&A Trail bridge update Zoom call
04/03/2022 ABC Ride - No Drop 14 +/- mph 30-35 miles from Davidsonville Park
04/02/2022 ABC Ride - No Drop 14 +/- mph 25-30 miles from Davidsonville Park
04/02/2022 ABC AR Skyline Climber
03/31/2022 Fifth Thursday Get Together in Arnold
03/30/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:00 pm
03/27/2022 Cherry Blossom Ride 2022 **CANCELLED**
03/26/2022 ABC Ride - No Drop 14 +/- mph 25-30 miles from Davidsonville Park
03/26/2022 Southern HS 35/40 at 14-15mph
03/26/2022 Southern HS Metric (15-16mph & 17mph)
03/24/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:00 pm (rained out)
03/23/2022 ABC BWI Ride at 5:00 pm (Rained out)
03/20/2022 ABC 22 miles at 14 mph
03/20/2022 ABC 35 Miles at 16 mph to Deale
03/20/2022 ABC Kent Island 50 with Sprints
03/19/2022 AR: Catoctin Mountains Metric
03/13/2022 ABC Kent Island criterion training (postponing)
03/12/2022 Rouvy Race - Cycling Unlimited - Ibergeregg 22.9 & 3000
03/06/2022 ABC Galesville Ride 14 mph TIME CHANGE!!
03/05/2022 ABC AR Savage P'JAMMa's
03/03/2022 ABC Ride Leaders Meeting
02/27/2022 ABC Cecil Harford 50 / 3600
02/26/2022 Deale Donuts Ride (32-38 mile options)
02/20/2022 ABC AR Catoctin Climber 2
02/19/2022 Deale Donuts Ride (32-38 mile options)
02/17/2022 Third Thursday Get Together - Killarney House
02/16/2022 ABC Jersey Order Deadline & Instructions
02/13/2022 Stop, Swap and Save Bike Expo 2022
02/12/2022 Davidsonville Park 25-30 miles 13-14 mph
02/12/2022 ABC AR Catoctin Climber
02/09/2022 Rouvy Race - ABC Diamond Harbour Gebbys Pass 18/2000
02/06/2022 ABC Winter Party Annual Meeting and Jersey Fitting
02/05/2022 CANX Sat-14/15 Gallop to Galesville (25 miles)
02/05/2022 CANX - ABC AR Mid-Catoctin Climber
02/01/2022 Rouvy Ride - ABC Rural Garden Route | South Africa 19 mile climber
01/31/2022 Rouvy Ride - ABC Sun Moon Lake Taiwan 17 mile climber
01/29/2022 CANX-Deale Donuts Ride (32&38 mile options)
01/26/2022 Rouvy Ride - ABC Tanzania Kilimanjaro 18 mile climber
01/24/2022 Rouvy Ride - ABC Cura Nuova in Italy 18 miles
01/22/2022 Deale Donuts Ride (32&38 mile options)
01/21/2022 Rouvy Ride - ABC La Vuelta 2020 Stage 13
01/20/2022 Third Thursday Get Together at Parvilla
01/19/2022 Rouvy Ride - Tour de France 2014 - 25 miles
01/18/2022 Rouvy Ride - Italy - Como Lake part.1 Erba-Menaggio
01/17/2022 Rouvy Ride on-line - Mallorca
01/16/2022 Rouvy Ride
01/15/2022 Deale Donuts Ride (32&38 mile options)
01/08/2022 Cancelled - Re-Do Happy New Years 2021 - 3 Rides & New ABC Jersey Fitting
01/06/2022 ABC Tu & Th morning meet-up rides
01/01/2022 Happy New Years 2021 - 3 Rides & New ABC Jersey Fitting
11/28/2021 ABC Baltimore Tour Dem Parks, Hon! 40 miler
11/06/2021 John T's 60KM & 60MI for 60 birthday rides
10/26/2021 BWI ride
10/23/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph No Drop Ride (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
10/23/2021 Howard County 100km Metric Century with 34mi option
10/21/2021 Third Thursday Get Together
10/20/2021 BWI area
10/17/2021 ABC AR - Savage River Ride 57
10/16/2021 Hills of Crownsville Ride - 20 Mile Version
10/16/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph No Drop Ride (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
10/16/2021 Galesville 30-35 miles, 15+
10/14/2021 NBP 20 mile sunset cruise
10/12/2021 Cancelled: ABC South Loop 20 Ride
10/09/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph No Drop Ride (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
10/09/2021 Seagull Century 2021
10/06/2021 BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
10/05/2021 ABC South Loop 20 Ride - Starts at 5PM!
10/03/2021 Lifeline 100 Annual Ride - Rest Stop Volunteers
10/02/2021 ABC Frederick Oktoberfest Ride
10/02/2021 14th Annual Culpeper Cycling Century
09/29/2021 BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
09/28/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride - Starts at 5PM!
09/26/2021 Lifeline 100/62 Pre-ride
09/25/2021 Hills of Crownsville Ride - 20 Mile Version
09/25/2021 Davidsonville Park meet-up rides for some beautiful Saturday riding weather.
09/25/2021 Broad Creek Bike and Brew
09/23/2021 BWI Ride at 5pm
09/22/2021 BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
09/21/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride - Starts at 5PM! Tina's Birthday Ride
09/19/2021 Gran Fondo Maryland
09/18/2021 Davidsonville Park 47 Mile Ride at 15- 16 mph pace
09/18/2021 Amish Country Bike Tour (OSR)
09/16/2021 Third Thursday Get Together
09/15/2021 BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
09/14/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride - Starts at 5PM!
09/12/2021 ABC Picnic at Sandy Point State Park - Bluefish Shelter
09/11/2021 Davidsonville Park 43 Mile Ride Saturday September 11th
09/11/2021 Valley Veterans Ride for Heroes - Road or Gravel
09/08/2021 BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
09/07/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
09/06/2021 Monday 40 mile ride to Ellicott City
09/04/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
09/01/2021 Two ABC BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
08/31/2021 Cancelled due to storms - Aug 31 - ABC South Loop 25 Ride
08/28/2021 Shortened version of the Hills of Crownsville Ride
08/28/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
08/28/2021 ABC 4th Annual Western MD Rail Trail
08/28/2021 Iron Furnace 50 (OSR)
08/25/2021 Two ABC BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
08/24/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
08/22/2021 NCR Trail 40 - gravel ride
08/21/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
08/21/2021 Paul's 60 for 60 Birthday Ride
08/20/2021 Fri Ride 25-30 miles
08/19/2021 Third Thursday Get Together
08/18/2021 Two ABC BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
08/17/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
08/15/2021 Sunday - Davidsonville Park 30 - 33 Mile 14/15 mph No Drop Ride
08/14/2021 Shortened version of the Hills of Crownsville Ride
08/14/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
08/14/2021 2021 Ride to See - Galena MD - A Bicycling Tour of Kent County (OSR)
08/12/2021 SPark 25-35 mi @ 18-20 mph
08/11/2021 Two ABC BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
08/10/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
08/07/2021 Davidsonville Park 30 Mile 15/16 Ride
08/07/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
08/07/2021 Tour de Frederick 2021 (OSR)
08/05/2021 SPark 25-35 mi @ 14-16 mph
08/04/2021 Two ABC BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
08/03/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
07/31/2021 Civil War Century Climbing Practice
07/31/2021 SHS 45 - 50 mile ride at 15-16MPH
07/31/2021 ABC Deale - 44 miles - 15 mph
07/31/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
07/29/2021 SPark 25-35 mi @ 14-16 mph
07/28/2021 Two ABC BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
07/27/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
07/24/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
07/24/2021 Davidsonville Park 48 mile ride at 15-16MPH
07/24/2021 Additional St. Michael's / Oxford Ferry Ride - 61 Miles
07/22/2021 SPark 25-35 mi @ 14-16 mph
07/21/2021 Two ABC BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
07/20/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
07/19/2021 SPark 26 mi @ 16 mph
07/18/2021 Upper Marlboro & Mount Calvert Historical & Archaeological Park 34 miles
07/17/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
07/17/2021 ABC Galesville 29 miles 15-16 mph
07/17/2021 ABC North/South County ~50 miles 17+ mph
07/14/2021 Two ABC BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
07/13/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
07/10/2021 Annual St. Michael's / Oxford Ferry Ride - ~45 Miles
07/10/2021 Annual St. Michael's / Oxford Ferry Ride - 61 Miles
07/10/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
07/10/2021 Davidsonville Park 15/16 mph 43 mile ride
07/08/2021 SPark 25-35 mi @ 14-16 mph
07/07/2021 Two ABC BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 +
07/06/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride - Now On Tuesday
07/05/2021 Annapolis High School - 3 holiday rides
07/05/2021 Monday July 5th - Morning Ride to Ellicott City
07/04/2021 ABC Deale 36 miles 15 mph
07/04/2021 Arundel High School 27 / 44 miles
07/03/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
07/02/2021 Elkridge Rathskeller 22
06/30/2021 Cancelled - ABC BWI 25 mile rides (14-15 MPH no drop, 16+)
06/29/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride - Now On Tuesday
06/27/2021 2021 Bay to Bay Ride (OSR)
06/26/2021 PD's Short'n'Steep (Crownsville)
06/26/2021 Kent Island 40 at 16MPH
06/26/2021 Sat-16 (D'Ville Park Meetup)
06/26/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
06/24/2021 SPark 25-35 mi @ 14-16 mph
06/23/2021 Two ABC BWI 25 mile rides at 14-15 MPH no drop and 25 miles plus at 15 - 16 + Meet up ride today only. No ride leader available
06/22/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride - Now On Tuesday
06/22/2021 Steph's Earlybird 16 (Lock Haven Park 46 miles)
06/20/2021 Sunday Morning Ride to Ellicott City
06/20/2021 Sunday 30-36 miles 15 mph
06/19/2021 Sat-16 (Southern High School 60)
06/19/2021 Saturday 15-16 mph (Lock Haven Park 45)
06/19/2021 Sat-16 (Lock Haven 80)
06/19/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
06/19/2021 Sat 16 early climber's special (Gen HW Pk 44/2300')
06/17/2021 Third Thursday Get Together - Libations Restaurant
06/16/2021 ABC BWI Ride 25 miles at 14-16MPH
06/15/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
06/13/2021 AR Anacostia Rock Creek Explorer
06/12/2021 Saturday 13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
06/12/2021 PD's Short'n'Steep (Crownsville)
06/12/2021 Sat 16+ (Lock Haven Park 45)
06/12/2021 Tour de Talbot (OSR)
06/12/2021 Tour de Lebanon Valley (OSR)
06/10/2021 ABC Thursday morning meet-up ride
06/09/2021 WEATHER CANCELLED - ABC BWI Ride 25 miles at 14-16MPH
06/08/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride - Now On Tuesday
06/08/2021 ABC Tuesday morning meet-up ride
06/08/2021 ABC St. Michaels Metric
06/06/2021 Armed Forces Cycling Classic (OSR)
06/06/2021 Earlybird (D'Ville Park Meetup - 25/32)
06/05/2021 Armed Forces Cycling Classic (OSR)
06/05/2021 ABC Deale - 44 miles - 15 mph
06/05/2021 Sat-13/14 mph (Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles)
06/05/2021 Sat-16 (D'Ville Park Ride with RJ Marquette)
06/05/2021 Bikes & Beers: Frederick (OSR)
06/02/2021 ABC BWI Ride 25 miles at 14-16MPH
06/01/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride - Now On Tuesday
05/31/2021 D'ville Park 29 mile no drop
05/30/2021 Earlybird (D'Ville Park Meetup - 25/32)
05/29/2021 Sat-13/14 (D'ville Park 20 - 25 miles)
05/29/2021 Canceled - Sat-16 (Southern HS Metric Century) Forecast is for 100% Chance of Rain
05/27/2021 POSTPONED - Thunderstorms ABC BWI Ride Now on Thursday 5/27
05/27/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
05/25/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride - Now On Tuesday
05/25/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
05/23/2021 Earlybird (D'Ville Park Meetup - 25/32)
05/22/2021 Sat-13/14 (D'ville Park 20 - 25 miles)
05/22/2021 Sat-14 (D'ville Park 25 mile no drop)
05/22/2021 Sat-16 (Lock Haven Park 50 miles)
05/21/2021 National Bike to Work Day 2021
05/20/2021 Third Thursday Get Together - Live!
05/20/2021 Pre TTGT Ride - meet up
05/20/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
05/19/2021 Ride of Silence in Annapolis May 19th, 6:45pm
05/19/2021 ABC BWI Ride 25 miles at 14-16MPH
05/18/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride - Now On Tuesday
05/18/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
05/16/2021 Earlybird (D'Ville Park Meetup - 25/32)
05/15/2021 North Beach 40 miles at 14-15 MPH
05/15/2021 Davidsonville Park 20 - 25 miles at 13-14 MPH
05/15/2021 Sat-16 (Southern HS Metric Century)
05/13/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
05/12/2021 ABC BWI Ride 25 miles at 14-16MPH
05/11/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
05/11/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
05/09/2021 Sun 14/15 mph Galesville from Dav Pk
05/09/2021 Davidsonville Elementary School 33 Mile 15-17 mph Ride
05/08/2021 Sat 14/15 Galesville CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN
05/08/2021 Sat 13/14 (D'ville Park 20 - 25 miles)
05/08/2021 Maryland Coast Bicycle Festival (OSR)
05/06/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
05/05/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
05/05/2021 ABC BWI Ride 25 miles at 14-16MPH
05/04/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
05/03/2021 ABC Rides and Ride Leader Dinner
05/01/2021 Davidsonville Park 50 mile ride at 15-16MPH
05/01/2021 Six Pillars Century (and Metric) (OSR)
04/29/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
04/28/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
04/28/2021 ABC BWI Ride 25 miles at 14-16MPH
04/27/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
04/24/2021 Davidsonville Park 40 mile ride at 15-16MPH
04/24/2021 Deale - 45 miles - 14-15 mph
04/24/2021 Annual Ocean to Bay Bike Tour
04/22/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
04/22/2021 ABC Founding Date in 1993
04/21/2021 ABC BWI Ride - Cancelled - High wind
04/20/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride - MOVED TO TUESDAY DUE TO RAIN WEDS
04/20/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
04/17/2021 Deale 37 miles 14-15 mph
04/17/2021 ABC Annapolis Neck & Forward Brewing: 39 miles at 15-16 MPH
04/15/2021 Third Thursday Get Together - Live ABC Birthday Party
04/15/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
04/14/2021 ABC BWI Ride at 5:30 pm CANCELLED Due to Rain
04/14/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
04/13/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
04/11/2021 ABC It’s Elementary - 23.9 miles at 14 MPH
04/10/2021 ABC 25 Mile Meet-up Ride at 14+/- MPH
04/10/2021 ABC Crownsville Loop - 37 or 57 mi / 16 mph
04/10/2021 ABC Rapha "A Day in Hell" 2021: 45 miles/1600' w/ gravel OSR
04/10/2021 ABC Rapha "A Day in Hell" 2021 84 mile/5888' climb
04/08/2021 SPark 20-30 mi @ 15mph
04/08/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
04/07/2021 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
04/07/2021 ABC BWI Ride at 5pm
04/06/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
04/03/2021 Davidsonville Park 21 Mile Ride
04/03/2021 The Nor'Wooster Metric at 16+ MPH
04/03/2021 Crownsville Loop (35+ mi / 15-16mph)
04/02/2021 Member only event
03/31/2021 ABC BWI Ride at 5pm - Canceled - 100% Chance of Rain Today
03/30/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
03/27/2021 ABC AR Happy Harford 51 at 15mph
03/25/2021 SPark 20-30 mi @ 15mph
03/25/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
03/24/2021 ABC BWI Ride at 5pm-Canceled due to rain
03/23/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
03/21/2021 Deale Donuts Ride (17 mph / 46 mi)
03/20/2021 Davidsonville Park 36 mile ride at 15-16MPH
03/18/2021 Third Thursday Get Together - BikeAAA Safe Safe Roads Seminar
03/18/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
03/17/2021 ABC BWI Ride at 5pm
03/16/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
03/14/2021 Kent Island 35 & 50 miles CANCELLED - wind
03/13/2021 Adventure Ride - Reservoir Dogs - 65 miles at 15mph
03/13/2021 Davidsonville Park Pindell Loop 41 miles at 15-16MPH
03/13/2021 ABC Tour de Baltimore 32 miles at 15MPH
03/11/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
03/10/2021 Southern County 21 Miles
03/09/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
03/06/2021 Deale Donuts (35mi @ 15-16mph)
03/06/2021 AR Prettyboy 50 - RESCHED#3
03/04/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
03/03/2021 ABC Linthicum Lindale Middle School @ 15-16MPH
03/02/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
02/27/2021 DELAYED Deale Donuts (48mi @ 17+ mph)
02/27/2021 CANX Rain Deale Donuts (35mi @ 15-16mph)
02/25/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
02/23/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
02/20/2021 Deale Donuts (48mi @ 16+ mph) - CANCELLED
02/20/2021 Deale Donuts (35mi @ 15-16mph) - CANCELLED
02/18/2021 Third Thursday Get Together - 2021 rides
02/18/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
02/16/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
02/14/2021 Stop, Swap and Save Bike Expo
02/13/2021 Cancelled - Deale Donuts Ride - 35mi @ 15-16mph
02/11/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
02/11/2021 Zwift Virtual Meetup
02/09/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
02/09/2021 Zwift Virtual Meetup
02/06/2021 Deale Donut Ride - 48mi @ 17+ mph
02/06/2021 Deale Donut ride - 35 miles @ 15-16 mph
02/04/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
02/03/2021 Zwift Virtual Meetup
02/02/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Meet Up Ride
01/28/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Ride
01/26/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Ride
01/24/2021 ABC 41 miles @ 15-16 mph
01/23/2021 CANCELED Deale Donuts Ride
01/21/2021 TTGT "Fueling Your Ride" Cooking Demo
01/21/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Ride
01/19/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Ride
01/18/2021 MLK 45
01/16/2021 Deale Donuts Ride
01/14/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Ride
01/12/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Ride
01/09/2021 Deale Donuts Ride
01/07/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Ride
01/05/2021 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Ride
01/02/2021 ABC Happy New Years 2021 - 3 Rides (NEW DAY)
11/21/2020 ABC Agriculture Ride 31-35 miles at 15MPH
11/19/2020 Third Thursday Get Together
11/19/2020 ABC Tuesday/Thursday Ride
11/15/2020 ABC Davidsonville Park 21mile / 34.9mile at 15mph
11/14/2020 ABC 41 miles @ 16+ mph
11/08/2020 ABC meet-up @ 12-13 mph
11/08/2020 Sunday ABC 30-36 miles @ 14-15 mph
11/08/2020 Sunday ABC 45 miles @ 16 to 16+ mph
11/07/2020 ABC Saturday Afternoon 27
11/07/2020 ABC Glen Arm 37.7 and Das Bierhalle Lunch
11/07/2020 ABC 35 miles @ 14-16 mph
11/01/2020 RAINED OUT, cancelled: ABC 25 mile meet-up @ 12-13 mph
11/01/2020 ABC Chestertown Downrigging 40 ride and dine - CANCELLED
11/01/2020 RAINED OUT, cancelled: ABC Sun am 35 mile ride to Deale @ 16 mph
10/31/2020 ABC Sat am ride to Deale @ 14-16 mph
10/31/2020 ABC Adventure Ride - Denton Metric 100 kilometers
10/31/2020 ABC Adventure Ride - Denton Century 100 miles
10/27/2020 ABC Elkridge Rathskeller Ride 23 miles
10/25/2020 CANCELLED - ABC 27 miles @ 17+ mph
10/25/2020 CANCELLED: ABC 25 mile meet-up @ 12-13 mph
10/25/2020 CANCELLED: ABC Davidsonville Park 46.7 @ 16+ - new roads
10/24/2020 ABC 47 miles @ 15-16 mph to Bowie & Ag Center
10/24/2020 ABC 35 to 40 miles @ 14-15 mph to Bowie & Ag Center
10/22/2020 ABC Elkridge Rathskeller Ride 23.6
10/18/2020 ABC 25 mile meet-up @ 12-13 mph
10/17/2020 ABC meet-up ride @ 14-15 mph
10/17/2020 ABC 35 miles @ 16 mph
10/17/2020 Annual Ocean to Bay Bike Tour
10/15/2020 Third Thursday Get Together - Oktoberfest
10/14/2020 ABC Wednesday afternoon ride - 27
10/12/2020 Cancelled - ABC Columbus Day / Gettysburg Metric
10/11/2020 ABC meet-up 25 miles @ 12-13 mph
10/10/2020 ABC Annapolis High School 44 +/-
10/07/2020 Last ABC BWI Ride 5pm - 6:30pm & beverages
10/07/2020 Last ABC South Cty 25 @ 15+ mph for 2020
10/06/2020 ABC AR Thurmont Covered Bridge Ride *NEW date*
10/04/2020 ABC - Ride the Lifeline100 Routes - 40 Mile Trail Route
10/04/2020 ABC 25 mile no drop @ 12-13 mph
10/04/2020 ABC - Ride the Lifeline100 Routes - 100 Kilometer / 64 Miles Metric Century Route
10/04/2020 ABC - Ride the Lifeline100 Routes - 100 Mile Route
10/03/2020 ABC Oktoberfest Frederick 40 - CANCELLED
10/03/2020 ABC member-only meet-up @ 14-15 mph
10/03/2020 ABC member-only meet-up @ 16+ mph
10/03/2020 Culpeper Cycling Century
10/03/2020 Lifeline 100 (OSR)
09/30/2020 ABC South Cty 25 miles @ 15+ mph
09/30/2020 ABC BWI Ride at 5pm
09/27/2020 ABC 40 to 50 miles @ 17 mph
09/27/2020 ABC 25 mile no drop @ 12-13 mph
09/27/2020 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo
09/26/2020 ABC 14-15 mph meet-up ride
09/26/2020 ABC 16+ mph meet-up ride
09/26/2020 ABC 3rd Annual Western MD Rail Trail
09/23/2020 ABC South Cty 25 miles @ 15+ mph
09/23/2020 ABC BWI Ride at 5pm
09/20/2020 Ride for Clean Rivers
09/20/2020 Gran Fondo Maryland - Gran Fondo National Series
09/20/2020 ABC 12-13 mph meet-up ride
09/20/2020 ABC AR Hagerstown 100
09/19/2020 ABC Annual Summer Picnic & Cycle Swap
09/19/2020 ABC: Tina's birthday ride option - 40.9 miles @ 16+ mph
09/19/2020 ABC: Tina's birthday ride - 37 miles @ 15 mph
09/16/2020 ABC BWI Ride
09/16/2020 ABC South County 25 miles @ 15+ mph
09/13/2020 ABC Davidsonville Elementary School 38 at 17mph
09/13/2020 ABC 25 miles, no drop @ 12-13 mph
09/12/2020 ABC 14-15 mph meet-up ride
09/12/2020 ABC 16+ mph meet-up ride
09/09/2020 ABC BWI Ride - Cancelled tonight
09/09/2020 ABC South Cty loop, 25 miles at 15+ mph
09/06/2020 ABC 12-13 mph, 25 miles no drop ride
09/05/2020 ABC 44 miles @ 15-16 mph
09/03/2020 ABC Adventure Ride Seneca to Sugarloaf
09/02/2020 ABC BWI Ride
08/30/2020 ABC 9 AM - 35 mile no drop @ 14-15 mph to Deale
08/30/2020 ABC Annapolis High +/- 40
08/30/2020 ABC 12-13 mph, no drop 22 miles to Galesville
08/29/2020 CANCELLED - ABC 8 AM - 35 mile no drop @ 14-15 mph to Deale
08/26/2020 ABC BWI Ride
08/25/2020 ABC 17mph/30 miles from Davidsonville Park and Ride
08/23/2020 ABC 16+MPH average 25 miler to Allen Pond
08/23/2020 ABC 12-13 mph, no drop 22 miles to Galesville
08/23/2020 ABC 14-15 mph meet up ride
08/22/2020 ABC Annapolis High School 40 +/-
08/20/2020 Third Thursday Get Together - Live!
08/19/2020 ABC BWI Ride
08/18/2020 ABC 17mph/30 miles from Davidsonville Park and Ride
08/16/2020 ABC 12-13 mph, no drop 22 miles to Galesville
08/15/2020 ABC 14-15 mph, no drop meet-up ride.
08/15/2020 ABC 16+ mph meet-up
08/15/2020 ABC Western Shore Wicomico Century & Metric
08/12/2020 ABC BWI Ride
08/09/2020 ABC 12-13 mph, no drop 22 miles to Galesville
08/08/2020 ABC 8 AM - 35 mile no drop @ 14-15 mph to Deale
08/08/2020 ABC Davidsonville El School 37 @ 17 mph @ 7 am
08/08/2020 16th Annual 2020 Ride to See is happening
08/05/2020 ABC BWI Ride
08/02/2020 12-13 mph, no drop 22 miles to Galesville
08/01/2020 ABC NOVA Bike Paths / DC / Vienna Inn - 55 mi at 16 mph
08/01/2020 ABC meet-up for no-drop, 25 to 35 miles @ 14 to 15 mph
08/01/2020 ABC meet-up, 16+ mph for 30 to 40 miles
07/29/2020 ABC BWI Ride
07/26/2020 ABC Columbia Rita's Ride - 47 miles
07/26/2020 ABC 12-13 mph, no drop 24 miles to Galesville
07/25/2020 ABC 30 miles to Galesville at 16+ mph
07/25/2020 ABC, no-drop 36 mile ride to Deale @ 14-15 mph
07/23/2020 ABC BWI Ride - Thursday Weather Reschedule Day
07/19/2020 ABC 12-13 mph, no drop 22 miles to Galesville
07/19/2020 MEET UP: ABC Crownsville Figure-8: 43 hilly miles at 15 mph
07/18/2020 ABC Brunch Ride - 30 Miles - Rose Haven Deli
07/18/2020 ABC Brunch Ride - 42 Miles - Rose Haven Deli
07/16/2020 Third Thursday Get Together
07/15/2020 ABC BWI Ride
07/12/2020 Entry level 12-13 mph pace for 22 miles to Galesville
07/11/2020 Saturday Local Meet-Up
07/11/2020 45 Mile 9 AM Start - ABC St. Michael's / Oxford Ferry Ride
07/11/2020 ABC St. Michael's / Oxford Ferry Ride - 61 Miles
07/08/2020 ABC BWI Ride
07/05/2020 Sunday 36 miles to Deale @ 14-15 mph
07/04/2020 Saturday meet-up ride @13 mph
07/04/2020 Sat 40 mile ride to Deale @ 16 mph
07/03/2020 Friday meet-up ride @ 13 mph
07/03/2020 30+ miles to Deale @ 16 mph
07/03/2020 July 3rd Ferry Boat Spectacular - 100 & 60
07/01/2020 ABC BWI Ride
06/28/2020 42 miles, Severn to Ellicott City, @ 15-16 mph
06/27/2020 22 mile ride to Harwood @ 13 mph
06/27/2020 41 mile ride @ 15 mph; SHS to North Beach
06/27/2020 ABC Eastern Shore: 58 miles @ 17mph
06/24/2020 ABC BWI Ride
06/21/2020 Fathers Day
06/20/2020 ABC Sat 6/20 - 30 mile round trip to Galesville @14 mph
06/20/2020 Annapolis Neck 40 miles @ 15-16 mph
06/20/2020 ABC 101 Mile Ride Calvert County
06/18/2020 Third Thursday Get Together on Zoom
06/18/2020 ABC BWI Ride Rain Date
06/17/2020 S Cty ride rained out tonight
06/13/2020 Sat 6/13 30 miles @ 14-15 mph
06/13/2020 Sat 6/13 40 mile rd trip to Deale @ 15-16 mph
06/13/2020 ABC Southern High School 62
06/13/2020 Early lap around the Severn with the Kroh's
06/10/2020 ABC BWI Ride
06/07/2020 Sun 6/7 Ride Severn to Old Elliott City @ 14 - 16 mph
06/06/2020 Sat 6/6 30 mile round trip to Galesville @ 14 mph
06/06/2020 Sat 6/6 30 miles round trip to Galesville @15+ mph
06/06/2020 Sat. 6/6 63 mile ride @ 16+ mph, Southern HS to Calvert County
06/02/2020 ABC Tu/Th morning rides
05/31/2020 ABC Sunday 30 mile ride @ 15.5+ mph
05/30/2020 ABC AR Chesapeake College Century & Metric
05/30/2020 Cancelled: Double Creek Tour
05/25/2020 Memorial Day 40
05/25/2020 ABC Memorial Day Century
05/23/2020 ABC Southern High School 60
05/21/2020 Third Thursday Get Together - 7pm On Line on Zoom !
05/20/2020 Annual Ride of Silence
05/17/2020 Delaware Gran Fondo
05/16/2020 Cecil County Private Century
05/15/2020 2020 Baltimore Region Bike to Work Day - Postponed
05/02/2020 Somerset County Private Century
05/02/2020 Ride for the Feast 2020
05/02/2020 Six Pillars Century: 2020 Black Water Tour - Postponed
04/29/2020 ABC BWI Ride
04/26/2020 Draw for Sight Bicycle Poker Ride - Cancelled
04/25/2020 Queenstown - Chestertown - Rock Hall Century
04/22/2020 ABC Founding Date in 1993
04/19/2020 Davidsonville Park Meetup
04/18/2020 Ellicott City 30
04/16/2020 Third Thursday Get Together - Founders Day - 7pm On Line on Zoom !
04/04/2020 2020 Icicle Metric/Century - Cancelled
04/01/2020 ABC South Loop 25 Ride
03/26/2020 ABC Weekday Rides Postponed
03/24/2020 ABC Weekday Rides Postponed
03/22/2020 Cherry Blossom Ride
03/21/2020 ABC Grand Fondo 104K
03/19/2020 Third Thursday Get Together - CANCELLED
03/14/2020 Board Meeting
03/14/2020 Weekend Rides March 14 - 15
03/11/2020 ABC BWI Rides Postponed
03/07/2020 ABC Weekend Rides
03/01/2020 ABC Sunday 32.4 Ride
03/01/2020 ABC Sunday Meetup Ride
02/22/2020 ABC Weekend Rides
02/20/2020 February Third Thursday Get Together - NEW LOCATION
02/15/2020 ABC Weekend Rides
02/09/2020 STOP, SWAP AND SAVE 2020
02/04/2020 ABC Weekday Rides - Late Winter Edition
02/01/2020 ABC Weekend Rides
01/26/2020 ABC 2020 Winter Party
01/25/2020 ABC Weekend Rides and Events
01/18/2020 ABC Weekend Rides - rides cancelled
01/11/2020 ABC Weekend Rides
01/04/2020 ABC Weekend Rides

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