ABC Tour of Maryland Wall of Fame
Irish Psycler
Irish Psycler Chris Farrell John Tyrrell
Irish Psycler D. UreƱa John Tyrrell Chris Higgins
No Completions
John Tyrrell Chris Higgins Khalil Kodsi Paul Garza Eric Veit
ABC’s Tour of Maryland
Ride Progress
Ride Matrix
Get out and explore Maryland! ABC’s Tour of Maryland is a cycling challenge to explore the great state of Maryland on your bicycle. ABC Adventure Rides are a great way to make progress toward this challenge, and often visit historical sites on their routes.
To earn the ABC Tour of Maryland Award, you:
- Are an ABC member in good standing (Must be a member when rides are earned)
- Ride at least 20 miles in each of Maryland’s counties and Baltimore City in a single ride
- Prove it via Strava, RidewithGPS, or MapMyRide publicly recorded rides
- Earn all counties within a two-year period ending 31 DEC of the award year
What is the award? You get your name listed on the ABC Tour of Maryland Wall of Fame on the website and a trophy to commemorate your accomplishment.
Keep in mind:
- You can earn multiple counties in a single ride, if you log at least 20 miles in the counties you enter
- Participating in an ABC Adventure Ride is a great way to earn counties, however any ride qualifies
- If you want to create or lead a ride to earn a(some) specific counties, talk to the ABC Ride coordinator about putting your ride on the calendar
- To earn progress, send an email to the ABC Ride Coordinator at rides AT In the subject, put the words ‘Tour of MD’. In the body of the email, identify the counties you believe your ride(s) qualify for and a link to your activity on strava, ridewithGPS, or mapmyride.