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ABC Team Rides Across Maryland - Planning Page

Stage 1 on 9/21       Stage 2 on 9/22      Stage 3 on 9/23      Stage 4 on 9/24

Pick the stages you are interested in

Please register on the Club calendar soon so we know who is SAG or cycling the different stages


If you are interested 4 different rides 4 days in a row that in total cover the state from the western MD border to the Atlantic Ocean, feel free to join. You can ride all 4 stages or just pick the stages that are of interest to you. You can even join in a stage mid way or end part way through.

We have had multiple open planning sessions to formulate the rides and concepts. More planning sessions will be on the calendar.

  • The overall concept - Not leisurely tour rides, not a fundraiser, not races, or total crank fest, but challenging supported rides. Accomplish personal goals with help from colleagues. A way to promote ABC and our brand and image and welcome new membership. 
  • Register and ride any of the stages. You are not required to ride all or any of them.
  • In total spanning 340 miles and 16,000 feet of climbing over 4 consecutive days with a big celebration and awards at the end at the Ocean. 
  • Some members are interested in trying to ride all 4 stages in a row as an ABC team. Others want to ride in 1 or 2 Stages.
  • Must be an ABC member to participate in any of the stages. Just join ABC and ride.
  • The riders cover the expenses (SAG, meals, lodging, etc). The Club will help with some expenses.
  • ABC provides the trophies, party, and medal awards based on accomplishments:
  1. Individual or multiple stages
  2. SAG support & volunteer recognition
  3. First century, first super-century (100+ miles)
  4. Climbing
  • West to east route, stops, lodging. All 4 stage routes from RidewithGPS are finalized  using this  end-to-end  route template.
  • Descent is greater than ascent.
  • 100% of the 4 stages are in MD. 
  • We have tested the routes using a car.
  • Network with others about sharing lodging if you are going to do that.
  • The Club is working on transportation to the start, but is is limited, so register soon or feel free arrange your own drop-off and pick up.

See this Google planning document for details




Oakland, MD

Arrive and get ready for Stage 1 tomorrow

2 hotels in Oakland. Make your own reservations.

Group dinner



Stage 1

63 miles with 4000 ascent, 5200 descent: Start by Oakland, finish the stage at Rocky Gap State Park Lodge and Casino

Stage 1 route

Option to overnight at Rocky Gap State Park Lodge or Sleep Inn if you are going to ride Stage 2. Make your own reservation.



 Stage 2

67 miles, 5500 ascent from RGSP to Boonesboro.

Get a SAG ride to hotel.

Stage 2 route

Option to overnight at Country Inn and Sites Hagerstown, if you are going to ride Stage 3.  Make your own reservation. ~$100.00

Stay at home after this Stage.



 Stage 3

90 miles, 4700+ ascent from Boonesboro to SPSP.

Get SAG ride from TBD Hagerstown hotel to start Stage 3. Or, get dropped off at the start on your own.

Stage 3 route

Stay at home the night before Stage 4 begins.



 Stage 4

New 100 or 116 miles and 1300 ascent from Kent Island Subway or Queenstown to finish in south Ocean City at the boardwalk. 

Get SAG or personal rides over the Bay Bridge to the starting location.

Stage 4 route

Option to stay overnight in Ocean City and celebrate riding 1 or more stages. Location TBD in Ocean City

Club is helping arrange transportation and ride sharing back home.

  • We need SAG support on each stage, especially in Western Maryland and riders will cover the expenses (Sprinter van if needed, SAG supplies, gas, etc.). Let me know if you are interested in one or more of the stages. Thanks to those who have volunteered!
  • Review our our insurance policy and coverage posted in the members area of our website. 
  • Strength, conditioning, and performance ability. - ride whatever you are comfortable riding, even part of a stage is OK ! Talk to other cyclists and sources for coaching and preparation. You can set and meet personal goals and accomplish some personal "firsts".
  • Semi-drop / no-drop / swept up into SAG vehicle depending on circumstances. The cyclists will pretty much keep moving since there is a lot of ground to cover, or pause briefly for a simple issue. SAG will follow the last rider.
  • Safety, security, first aid are paramount and will we addressed in advance.
  • Rules of the road will be defined in advance.
  • Stage 1 and Stage 2 rides are on Saturday & Sunday to get maximum volunteer support while so far from home.
  • Will determine the time to start each day depending on temperature and distance.
  • We are riding rain or shine.
  • All full or partial participants must be members of ABC for insurance reasons.
  • Wear ABC jerseys for identification. Share weblink of position with SAG drivers. Get bib numbers for the awesome factor.
  • You might want to drive the routes in advance to be familiar with them.
  • These stages will accomplish many of the counties that are part of the ABC Tour of Maryland Challenge and the ABC Mountain Climber Challenge.

Watch our event calendar for Google Meet planning meetings.  Please volunteer to ride or help support the rides.

"Join the Ride Across Maryland"

Posted by John Tyrrell, Event Organizer

RJ Marquette, JL Reiter, Mark Grimes, John Simon, and others - Event Planners

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