All Club rides are noncompetitive, no charge, recreational, non-race rides but can be VERY vigorous and fast paced group-rides in tight pace lines. Rides are usually listed in the club Event Calendar several days in advance and with open registration which we encourage you to use. Rides begin following the pre-ride briefing by the ride leader or other POC and conclude when the last rider reaches the finish area.
Rides start at a variety of locations. Ride distances tend to be shorter during the early and late seasons and longer during the summer. Some rides include a rest stop with snacks available for purchase. Call the ride POC if you have any questions and always carry plenty to drink and eat during the ride.
ebikes, depending on the model and characteristics, may or may not be permitted on ABC rides. Refer to the insurance policy.
Only the Ride Coordinators or officers can post the ride to the calendar after the determination it is safe and in the best interest of the Club.
Read the safety link on the website home page and follow all safety protocols.
Alcohol will not be consumed just prior to or during club rides by the participating cyclists.
ABC does not provide paper cue sheets. Most ride postings include the route for navigation. Riders can bring a cue sheet of their own making.
Before choosing to ride with the 16+ mph groups, please be aware:
Common definitions of ride levels which vary club by club:
A | Average speed 18-19+ mph - average speed on flats >23 mph, generally competitive over demanding terrain. Regrouping at the discretion of ride leader. Ride length typically >50 miles. |
B+ | Average speed 17 -18 mph - average speed on flats 20 mph. Terrain and ride length similar/identical to A category. Ride leader regroups as necessary. |
B | Average speed 16 -17 mph - average speed on flats 18 mph. Terrain at the discretion of ride leader but generally tends to be less demanding than A/B+ categories. Ride leader regroups as necessary. Ride length typically between 40-50 miles. |
C+ | Average speed 14 -15 mph - average speed on flats 16 mph. Terrain at the discretion of ride leader but can include some challenging hills in addition to flats and rollers. Ride leader regroups as necessary. Ride length typically between 30-40 miles. |
C | Average speed 11-14 mph - average speed on flats 15 mph. Generally rolling terrain. Some modest/moderate hills may be included at the discretion of the ride leader. Ride leader regroups as necessary. Ride length typically about 30 miles. |
D | Average speed 9 -11 mph - average speed on flats 12 mph. Generally flat and rolling terrain. Ride leader provides encouragement and regroups as necessary. Ride length typically <30 miles |
Evening rides - Evening rides are scheduled when there is adequate light. These rides go out as a single ride and accommodate a pace of 14-19 mph.
Ride Registration
Members and guests should register in advance for each ride using the website calendar registration button or using the ABC smart phone app from Wild Apricot. This is so we know who to expect and to notify in the case of changes, lost rider, or emergency. This is also for insurance and liability purposes as well as Club management uses. Be sure to notify the ride leader if you abandon the ride. The ride leader will get an email of registrations or cancellations.
Ride Cancellation Policy
When inclement weather is forecast, the Club makes every effort to cancel rides via advance e-mail announcement, text message, phone calls, calendar updates, or bulletin board post. If, one hour before a scheduled ride, the official weather report for the ride start area predicts rain or strong winds, the ride may be cancelled. If you are in doubt, contact the Ride Leader or Ride Coordinator or another registrant.
Ride Leaders
Rides should have formally designated ride leaders who are competent for the role and known to Club Board. Ride leaders represent the Club with the highest standards of professionalism, safety, and decorum. The Ride Leader is the decision making authority for the ride and promotes a safety environment and cohesion between the riders. Respect the Ride Leaders responsibility and instructions.
The ride is for the riders. Encourage a safe, rewarding experience. Know your riders and invite them to join the ride again in the future. Get training as needed from the Board or Ride Coordinator prior to your first ride as a ABC Ride Leader and be familiar with the duties, obligations, and risks of the position.
There are many benefits to being a ride leader. You get to request the date, route, speed, and rest stops. You can use the free website to plan your route. You are covered the Clubs liability and accident insurance policies, like all members are. You have the support of the Ride Coordinators and a Ride Leader Advisor to help you get started and turn to if you have any needs in the role.
Only the Ride Coordinators or Board can post the ride to the calendar after the determination it is in the best interest of the Club.
Specifically for the ride:
1. Know the ride route and adjust if needed for construction, flood, sunset, etc. Ride Leaders are encouraged to recon the route prior to the day of the ride if it’s new. Post the details of the ride and route as far in advance as possible on the events calendar via the Ride Coordinators.
2. If prior to arriving at the start location you decide to cancel due such things as thunderstorms, lightning, dense fog, ice, winds, or a tornado watch is in effect, notify pre-registered riders.
3. Arrive well before start time and assess the weather conditions. If such things as thunderstorms, lightning, dense fog, ice, winds, or a tornado watch is in effect at the start time or shortly thereafter cancel the ride. As a courtesy remain at the starting location to inform any riders of your decision.
4. Ask guests to register on line or sign the guest waiver form legibly.
5. Do a visual check of ride equipment insuring all have helmets. Encourage riders to use their headlight and tail light while on the ride.
6. Five minutes before ride start time, count total riders and take a picture of any paper guest waivers.
7. Assemble riders, conduct introductions, and announce ride route, average speed, regrouping plans, and field rider questions. Provide your telephone number. Remind riders that they may lose the route if they out pace the leader or are unsafe.
8. Riders joining after the start time will not be officially part of ride.
9. Start riding at the advertised time from the advertised starting location and allow for breaks.
10. Exhibit safe riding skills, follow rules of road, ride the advertised pace, and account for all riders throughout the ride. Ask the riders to call out and signal any perils on the ride. Get help for an injured rider and assign someone to stay with them.
11. You have the authority to remove a rider from the ride or move a rider to the back of the group.
12. Conduct a post ride review if anything odd happened.
13. Notify the Board and safety manager of any significant incidents, accidents, injuries or other safety concerns.
14. Thoroughly know and encourage the safety and insurance information posted on this website.