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Sunday Social 35
Come on out and ride 35 mile revised route at a social pace of your choosing 14-16 mph.
This is not a crank fest but a club meet-up with no-drop intentions for those who would like to stretch their legs and enjoy some friends, familiar gentle roads and a couple of loops. You can even ride the loops in opposite directions over the coming weeks. We can make the route longer during the season and add some variety.
There is a Dunkin' Donuts at mile 14.5 if you need a coffee and social break.
This is the revised route requested by Len and Steve.
We can even train you to be a ride leader which is awesome.
Check out these these gentle courses on our home page and Request-a-Ride if you would like one of them on the calendar sometime.
Wear your ABC jersey if you have one!
Give us your feedback! Times? Routes? Starting locations?
"Join the Ride"
Posted by JCT 11/15
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