Greetings all,
Annual elections for the Board results were tabulated and presented at the annual meeting Sunday. A sincere thank you to all of the candidates and to the 88 voters who voted on-line which was new and successful. The results:
President - John Tyrrell (incumbent/unopposed) - 81
Vice-President - RJ Marquette (incumbent/unopposed) - 83
Treasurer - Mark Grimes (unopposed) - 81
At-Large Members of the Board - Vote for two:
Chris Higgins (incumbent) - 55 - Winner
Jim Miner - 46 - Winner
Nicole Love - 35
Chris Farrell - 35
Thank you to Len Jones for your many years of service on the board and Steve Sharkey for four years as our treasurer. Thank you Jim Black and Steve for being election officials.
Minutes from the annual meeting and the presentation will be posted soon.