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Elections On-Line & Annual Meeting Update

  • 02/06/2025 5:28 PM
    Message # 13460056
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Registration is Open!

    Greetings members,

    The Club annual meeting will take place on Sunday 3/2/25 starting at 5pm. Registration is open. Refer to developments in the calendar event. We will have a full agenda of Club updates, events, recognition, volunteer opportunities, and on-line elections.

    Per input from the membership, the latest by-laws call for elections of the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer for a one-year term, and two at-large members of the board to serve for two years. Refer to the latest by-laws on the members only webpage for details. These positions can be very rewarding, but time-consuming depending on the time of year and the topics being addressed. Expectations are that all members of the board will have active roles, responsibilities, and time commitment for the best interests of the Club.

    Elections will take place as follows:

    A slate of candidates exists-

    President – John Tyrrell is available and interested in returning

    Vice-President – RJ Marquette is available and interested in returning

    Treasurer – Mark Grimes is available and interested

    At-large Member of the Board – Chris Higgins is available and interested in returning

    At-large Member of the Board – Chris Farrell is available and interested

    We believe that we are compatible and would work well together and with the two other board members, Jenn Meyers and Ed Marx, who are not up for a vote this year.

    Any Member in good standing interested in being considered for any of these positions may submit their interest by 2/16/25 at 11:59pm by sending an email to to be on the ballot.  Please be sure to indicate which position you are interested in serving.  We strongly recommend that you also furnish short bios and a headshot photograph. These bios will be provided to the membership during the open voting period.

    Voting is open to any member in good standing and will be through our Wild Apricot Information Management System that has a polling capability of which we were previously unaware. The board tested this feature, and it meets our expectations.

    Voting will take place on-line starting 2/19/25, and closing 3/2/25 at 6:00pm during the meeting. Voting can take place by a hand vote at the annual meeting but we strongly prefer that the on-line tool be used for consistency, accuracy, and timeliness. When voting opens on 2/19, every member will be sent an email from the system with the link to the poll. You will need to know your Club member account login and password to vote. Voting works using a smart phone, tablet, or PC via the email link.  A reminder will be sent a few days later. Voting is not available via the Wild Apricot app or the ABC website.  A majority of the votes cast for each position will select the candidate. The results will be shown to all in attendance as soon as they are tallied.

    In the event of a tie, the members present at the meeting will vote by a show of hands to select the candidate. All positions will be resolved prior to the meeting adjourning. Steve Sharkey and Jim Black will be our election officials.

    In summary:

    Now – 2/16  - Submit candidate names, bio, and head shot photograph to the Board email address

    2/17 – 2/18 - The polling system will be configured for voting

    2/19 – 3/2 - Voting will take place online via an email link, and in person at the meeting as needed

    3/2 - Results will be announced at the meeting and by email and bulletin board post to all members

    Thank you for participating at the annual meeting and for volunteering to advance ABC.

    John and the Board

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