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Club updates & Annual Meeting

  • 01/23/2025 6:58 PM
    Message # 13454317
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Happy new year and here are some important Club updates:

    1. The minutes from the Board meetings on 12/16/24 and 1/11/25 are posted in the members only area of our website. Lots of good information. Please take a look when you have a moment.
    2. The latest By Laws are posted in the members only area of our website that reflect voting on at-large members of the board that we have previously communicated.
    3. Our annual liability (a.k.a. medical) insurance policy will be renewed by 2/1/25. Our insurance provider held a lengthy briefing and question & answer session for all of their clients. The Q&A are posted in the members only area of our website. Please take a look when you have a moment. The meeting covered the importance of having ride leaders, about having guests, using waivers, and other topics and good club practices. Our policy quote is based on how many of our members and guests participate in our events.
    4. We will have online registration open on all of our events before long. This is per requests from multiple members and to satisfy our insurance quoting requirements and recommendations. This means that online registration will be another communication option for the rides on weekday mornings. You may, of course, continue to just participate in the long-standing email list and/or register on-line. Registering online is not a requirement but is common and helpful in multiple ways. We’ll coordinate and communicate more in the coming weeks.
    5. The 2025 annual meeting will take place at Renditions Golf Course in Davidsonville where we met last year. Renditions is available late February and early March. Standby for more information on the agenda and we’d love a couple of volunteers to help make this happen. Please let us know if you would like to assist. I don't want to do it all myself again.
    6. Elections – More information is coming about the 3 officer and 2 at-large members of the board elections at the annual meeting. The 2 other at-large board members will be voted on next year. Some current board members are interested in being nominated to return and other members have shown interest. Feel free to call any board member if you are interested or have questions about serving the club.

    Thanks, John T and the Board

    Last modified: 02/06/2025 6:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

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