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ABC Members are in BikeAAA & Your Contact Info

  • 09/24/2023 8:04 PM
    Message # 13258550
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As a BikeAAA Club Member, every ABC member is also a BikeAAA member.  BikeAAA uses the Bike Maryland (our state-level advocate) contact management  system and each sends occasional emails to provide cyclists with updates on bike infrastructure, events, public meetings, legislation and other initiatives.     BikeAAA and Bike Maryland emails always offer an unsubscribe/opt-out link at the end of each email and your email is not shared further.     If you are not already receiving occasional email from BikeAAA, you can  add your name and email to their contact list by clicking:      BikeAAA also suggests joining their Facebook Group at 

    ABC does not share it's membership database information but you can provide your information as you like.

    As described in a recent Tailwinds story, ABC has been a strong partner and supporter of BikeAAA (Bicycle Advocates for Annapolis & Anne Arundel County) since BikeAAA's launch in 2013.   BikeAAA is our voice for more and safer bike infrastructure, better safety laws and a variety of other initiatives that promote safe cycling for transportation and recreation.   

    Posted by JCT

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