Tailwind Express
                                    March 2009
Time to think about riding - AND TIME TO PAY CLUB DUES!
        So, fill out the attached membership form and mail it with a check to:
Annapolis Bicycle Club
P.O. Box 224
Annapolis, MD 21404
    And yes, we do need the signed form - the club insurance requires it!
    The Club Dues Year now runs from March 1st to the end of February.  We changed it in the fall of 2007, to reduce the trouble we all had remembering whether we had paid our dues or not (with the old system, your check was due one year from whenever you had sent in your last one)
    Dues are $10 for a single email membership, or $18 for a family email membership.  Non-email memberships are available, but are discouraged, mainly because using snail mail nearly guarantees you'll find out about events after they've happened. 
    We're hoping to have some more rides this summer, possibly Sunday rides in areas we've not ridden lately - but have in the past.  And we'd like to see some new riders, and hope to get together a group more interested in easier rides for those who prefer to enjoy the scenery.  So get those checks in so we can begin planning.
  Bike Wanted!  We've been contacted by a 5' 4" lady who needs a bike.  She trained last summer for the triathlon,  is on a budget,  and is looking for something "fast used, and cheap".   Contact Jim Claffey (jclaffey@erols.com or 410 956-5219 if you have a possible source.) 

Rides Coming Up... Eight rides are now listed on the web site - and more are coming!  Keep up to date by checking www.annapolisbicycleclub.org !
Stop, Swap, and Save If you'll be around Richmond on March 1st, check out http://www.stopswapandsave.com/ for info on a big bicycle swap meet.